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But this smelled female. This smelled familiar.

Ben drew the handgun from the backpack.

“Holy shit! You have a gun!” Cheryl cried.

“Cheryl, can you go back to your car and get out of here, please?”

“What’s happening? I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s happening!”

The figure, the intruder, finally appeared, coming around the corner behind Cheryl, moving toward us. Keeping Cheryl between us.

“Cheryl, move, please,” I begged. My sister finally turned, to see what we were staring at—to see what was behind her.

“He wanted me to check if you were still alive,” Meg said.

Ben dropped the bag and aimed at her, arms and gaze steady. Meg stopped and looked startled for a moment, like she was about to turn and flee, like she thought he might shoot. She wore jeans, a tank top, and sandals, and her long black hair draped over her shoulders. Her skin was tanned brown, her features were fine, exotic. I’d always thought she was beautiful.

Ben didn’t shoot her outright. He was a lawyer, he was rational. He knew what this would look like when the cops arrived. Once she realized that, Meg relaxed a little and crossed her arms.

She kept talking. “He said, ‘Don’t confront her. Don’t let her see you. Her bad-ass alpha male’s got a gun. Don’t push them,’ he said. I think he’s afraid of you.”

“That warms my heart,” I said flatly. “What about you?”

She didn’t come any closer, which was sort of an answer. “You were smarter than me, picking somebody to turn,” she said. “But how did you convince a sane man to let you bite him?” She talked like he wasn’t even here. Ben didn’t flinch.

A year or so ago, she’d made a bid for Carl’s place by picking an alpha male to replace him. By making an alpha male to replace him. The plan had backfired horribly. The guy had been psychotic and couldn’t handle the lycanthropy. A lot of people died.

“I didn’t bite him. I didn’t turn him. I just happened to be there to pick up the pieces. That’s why we’re together.” And I liked him. I’d picked up the pieces because I liked him. Couldn’t lose sight of that detail. I ought to tell him. I let my hand brush his leg. His whole body was tense. I wasn’t sure he even felt me.

“Whatever you say,” she said with a smirk, like she didn’t believe me. Like she didn’t respect me. We weren’t equals in her eyes, but her body language spoke differently. She kept her distance. She looked Ben up and down like he was a piece of meat.

“What do you want, Meg?” I sounded exhausted.

“I don’t suppose you’d tell me where Rick is?”

“You were never very good at subtlety and intrigue, were you?”

“You give us Rick, we’ll let you leave Denver again. You and your mate both.”

“Don’t you get it? I don’t want to leave. I can’t leave. Everything I have is here, and if you won’t leave me alone, then I’ll fight.”

Then she looked at Cheryl. She had to guess who she was to me—the same blond hair, short and tucked behind her ears. Same face. Even a little of the same smell—our human family.

“You have a lot to lose,” Meg said. She took a step toward my sister, reaching out like she wanted to touch her. I almost grabbed the gun from Ben’s hand and shot her myself. No one was going to touch my family. Cheryl had the sense to step back.

“Get away from her,” Ben said, holding her in the gun’s sights.

I kept myself from rushing at Meg, claws outstretched. Calmly, I said, “All the more reason to fight.”

That raised her hackles. “You think just because you’re famous that protects you? That you can waltz in here and take over? That we’ll just bow down to you? It takes more than that to be an alpha. You don’t know anything. You may have fooled the people who listen to your show, but you don’t know anything!” She started to march off.

“Meg?” She halted, apparently willing to listen.

We were just posturing. This was the growling stage. She wouldn’t start a fight without backup. I began to relax. The old fears started to fade. She was all bluster. More than that, though, she was just wrong.

“Have you ever been pregnant?” I asked it on an impulse, out of curiosity. I just wanted to know.

She almost chuckled. “Werewolves don’t get pregnant. We can’t get pregnant.” She said this with an air of triumph, as if I had just demonstrated my lack of knowledge, and she was happy to rub my face in it.

Tags: Carrie Vaughn Kitty Norville Fantasy