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“I don’t have a clue where he lives.”

This was my fault. Fritz was in trouble and it was my fault. He’d talked, he’d spilled the beans, and someone didn’t like it. “Are you even a little bit worried?”

He shrugged. “Wouldn’t do any good if I was.”

Great, another disinterested isolationist. “Is Ahmed here?”

“I don’t think so. I can call upstairs if you want, maybe he’s there.”


He hit a line on the phone behind the bar, stood there with the handset to his ear for what must have been five minutes, then shook his head. “Nothing.”

“Do you think he knows where Fritz lives?”

“He might.”

I asked for a pen and wrote my cell phone number on a napkin. “If he does, have him call me.”

Jack tucked the napkin by the cash register. “You’re really worried about him.”

I smiled wryly. “Remember, it’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you.”

I called Flemming. Please, no voice mail, no voice mail—


“Dr. Flemming? It’s Kitty.”

The pause was loaded with frustration. “I really don’t have time—”

“Where’s Fritz?”


“Don’t give me that. He’s an old werewolf, German. He said you talked to him. Where is he?”

“How should I know—”

“He always comes to . . . to this one place to have a drink. Four o’clock, every day. He didn’t show up today, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence. He talked on my show, and someone isn’t happy—”

> “Why should I be that someone?”

“I don’t know. But you’re my only lead. You must have some idea where he might be.”

“Look—yes, I know Fritz. I’ve spoken with him. If he called your show that’s his own business, and I don’t know why anyone would have had a problem with it. Not enough of a problem to take drastic action.”

I wasn’t thinking straight. If I didn’t get anywhere with Flemming, I had nowhere else to go, no one else to ask. “I’m worried about him.”

“He’s a tough old man, he can take care of himself.” His voice had changed; it had stopped being flat. I was getting to him.

“He’s old. He’s falling apart. Werewolves don’t get sick, but they do get old. He doesn’t have anyone looking after him, does he?”

He sighed. “I have his home address. If you’d like, I’ll check on him.”

“Can I meet you there?”

“Fine.” He gave me the address.

Tags: Carrie Vaughn Kitty Norville Fantasy