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His hand came up under chin and tugged her face up to his. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped under her eyes. “That bitch has no idea what she’s talking about. You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

He tucked the handkerchief away and his other hand threaded through her hair and pulled the clip out that contained her hair in a sloppy bun. His hand went back into her hair and his grasp was a fraction below punishing. “You are beautiful. Every feature on your face fits perfectly and is achingly sweet. Your body isn’t a stick figure with a lollipop head. You have curves that are dangerous to my peace of mind.” His hands slid down her neck leaving a trail of fire and goose bumps. He pushed the jacket from her shoulders, a finger went up to the top of her plain grey blouse and then both hands were there, ripping it open.

Shock ran over her at his words, at the burning fire in his eyes. Her hands went up to cover herself, embarrassed by the tired white bra and aching peaked nipples. He pushed her hands away cupping a breast in each hand. “I want you so badly, if it weren’t for my belief that you’ve never had another lover I would fuck you, right here in this dressing room. Has there been another man?”

She could only shake her head. Her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth.

“I have taken cold shower after cold shower, and still I’m hard and aching to know the feel of your breasts in my hands, in my mouth. Will your nipples be the color of the blush on your cheeks or the color of your sweet ripe mouth?” His hands, big and warm, as they cupped her made her feel small and hot. A thumb toyed with a pebbled tip through the cloth and she longed to have his skin against her there.

Her head rolled back, at her core, she was molten and melting and she clenched her legs together. He knew it; shame filled her as his eyes read her so easily. His hands slid down her body, to her waist. “Your waist is smaller than your clothes let on,” his large hands spanned her waist, squeezed before moving lower, and covered the round curve of her butt. As his hands slipped below her skirt, she gasped and then he began to mold and caress her trembling flesh. “And these cheeks, these are the cheeks that have taunted me every day. I only need to think of your beautiful, full, round ass and I get hard. When you bend over, I want to become an animal and take you fast and hard from behind, with you on your knees so I can watch your ass move with my thrusts. Do you feel how hard you make me, now that I finally have you in my hands?” He pulled her to him and she felt him hot and thick against her and moaned his name, pleadingly.

“Yes, that’s what I’ve been longing for, to hear you moaning my name. Do you feel what you do to me? A week filled with wet dreams about your body. Do you know what a wet dream is, Elise? It’s when a man dreams he’s having sex and wakes up in a state of need as thick as I am and sometimes a man even comes in his sleep. That has been my week of torture, dreaming that my cock is buried deep in your pussy, wanting you so badly I come from the dream of it. I want you to say it. ‘I am so beautiful and sexy that I make Dmitri come in his dreams for me.’ Say it.” He hissed in her ear.

Her body was on overload, the feel of him hard against her was making her want to cry out in need. The lewd, graphic words he spoke excited her. His accent was again caressing her name and making it into a promise. His voice had dropped to a lower smoky timber that was vibrating down her backbone. She wanted him closer; she wanted to crawl inside his skin. “I’m so beautiful,” he pressed against her and her arms went around his neck to bring him closer to her but he resisted, whispering in her ear to repeat his words. His breath was hot against her ear and just like that, a gush of liquid spilled onto her already moist panties. “I’m so beautiful and sexy that I make Dmitri come in his dreams for me.” She panted out.

“Again, say it again.”

“I’m so beautiful and sexy that I make Dmitri come in his dreams for me.” She was breathless now.

His hands were at the zipper at the back of her skirt. He unzipped the skirt and then ripped the skirt in two, yanking it from her body. “You are a beautiful woman and anyone who doesn’t see that, including you, is an idiot. I don’t want to hear another word on this subject again. Do you understand?” At her jerky nod, he was gone.

Elise fell onto the chaise stunned; her body was still trembling with longing for Dmitri. What had just happened? He dreamed of her? His words came tumbling back to her and shock was replacing the longing. He was absolutely gorgeous, sexually stunning and he wanted her so badly he dreamed of her. It was hard to believe, but she had come to know that Dmitri would never lie to her. Harsh truth was more appealing to him than pretty white lies, even to get her into bed. Just sex though, it was just sex he wanted from her. In her mind, she saw them as he told her he wanted her, on her knees, taking him into her body. Closing her eyes, she couldn’t hold back the moan of longing it caused her.

Dmitri walked away fighting his body that was screaming for Elise. The blonde walked toward him and he spit out the words like bullets. “You’re fired. Get the hell out of here.”

Shocked, the blonde looked at the other woman, but the woman only shook her head, “We’ve discussed your attitude before, this isn’t the first time. Get your things and go, I’ll mail your last check.” Without another look at the blonde she turned to Dmitri, “I am so sorry, Mr. Markhoff.”

Dmitri nodded and waived a hand toward the dressing rooms. “She needs new lingerie as well, her current bra is ill-fitting.” He flung himself into the chair that had been set out for him. What the hell had he been thinking? He was supposed to be moving slowly, allowing her to get comfortable with him. Mauling her in a dressing room wasn’t in the plan. Yet, one look at Elise in tears had caused him to come unglued, the plan had disappeared completely. The need to reassure her of just how attractive he found her and she truly was had almost been his undoing.

Even now, he was fighting his body, flexing his hands against the memory of the feel of her skin under his fingers. He could have had her, there in that dressing room. She wanted him too. He had felt it in her trembling body, and he had smelled the wet heat of her pussy. All he had wanted to do was slide down and find out what she tasted like. Yet, her admission that there had been no one else had gutted him, and that surprised him. It was the assumption he had been operating under but the confirmation sucked him farther into his overwhelming desire for her. He had to make concessions for her lack of knowledge; he would make her first time long, sweet, and slow—not up against a wall in a dressing room.

He could hear her walking towards him and he schooled his features before he looked up. This was the way he had seen her dozens of times in his imagination. The skirt grazed her knee, he didn’t want her body on show for anyone but him, the skirt didn’t look all that different from the one he had torn from her body but this was cut better, and made of better material. There was a lift and flair to the skirt that moved with her and caressed her thighs, just like he wanted to. While the blouse she wore would have looked like the one she was wearing when they came in, again the cut of the blouse and the fact that it was pure silk turned it into something completely different on her. Her breasts were in a new bra, one that molded her curves rather than mashed them down, and he longed to know what it looked like on her.

The shop assistant intruded on his thoughts and he worked to focus on her words, “I believe this is what you were wanting her to wear for work. Am I correct?”

“Yes, it will do. Remember, keep the skirts to the knee. We will also need casual wear for the weekends and a few cocktail dresses. As far as the cocktail dresses, the longer the better and nothing that bares too much skin, but don’t let her look like a matron.”

The other woman nodded and took Elise back to the dressing room. Dmitri loosened his tie and tossed back the champagne the woman had poured when they first arrived, wishing it was scotch. This was going to be torturous.

Elise had been nervous to see Dmitri again, after what had happened in the dressing room, and had been oddly let down by his lack of response to her in the new clothes. He had nodded and shook his head for over an hour but his eyes had felt impersonal. When at last they finished, her nerves once again started humming at the idea of being alone with Dmitri. The majority of the clothes would be delivered the next day. For now, she wore a new suit, and carried a bag with a new suit, blouse, and a set of underwear that was so beautiful and sexy she had blushed when Jackie brought them to her.

Waiting as Dmitri signed the sales receipt, Elise almost fainted at the total. If she had known it would be so much, she would have put a stop to it at just a few things but he had kept going. He smiled at Jackie and thanked her for her time and good taste. Elise watched Jackie thank him and eye him enviously. She wanted to scratch out the other woman’s eyes for daring to look at Dmitri like that. Dmitri walked her to the do

or and Elise blushed at her thought. She had liked Jackie. Jackie had been so nice to her, what had made her think like that? And then he tightened his grip on her and she knew. She didn’t want anyone else looking at Dmitri because she already thought of him as hers. Shaken by the realization, Elise was quiet all the way to the hotel.

Dmitri relaxed in the back of the car, pleased by the shopping trip and the new clothes Elise wore. What had topped it all off was the feral look of hatred Elise had flashed at the shop assistant as he paid. Dmitri had felt the other woman’s eyes on him but he had been looking at Elise and the sight had instantly made him hard. Maybe he hadn’t made a mistake in the dressing room after all.

In the elevator, she seemed to come out of her thoughts, “Wait, I thought you said you were in Chicago so often you have a condo here. Why aren’t we staying there?”

“Because my brother is staying there while his is being updated, and you aren’t going anywhere near my brother.”

“Why not?”

He unlocked the room and she saw their luggage had been brought up and someone had set up the desk for him. “Misha would take one look at you and wouldn’t be able to stop flirting. I love my brother, and taking a swing at him would be bad for our relationship. I need a shower. Order dinner, I want a steak and fries.”

He needed a cold shower, right now, before he did something she wasn’t ready for.

Elise huffed as she took the menu to the small dining table in the suite. He was so infuriating at times. She wanted to meet his brother, to know something more about him. He was so closed off and hard to read. She spent every day with him but knew few things she could say were truly personal. Until five minutes ago, she had no idea he had a brother or any other siblings. He never mentioned his parents or hometown, while she knew how he liked his steak cooked, and that he had a secret sweet tooth for chocolate. Secret because she knew he wouldn’t like her knowing. He seemed to judge any need as a sign of weakness. That was the sum total of her knowledge of him.

Tags: Fiona Murphy Erotic