Page 22 of His Marriage Demand

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The door from the garage opens and Norman shows in two men in suits who look flustered, and I have no doubt they were speeding to get here at Drake’s command. “Winston, Wyatt, thank you both for coming so quickly. This is my fiancée Ria Short, and you will both be here to witness her mother signing over her rights for the cashier’s check I’ll present to her. Norman, if you could please stand by to remove her from our home when she’s done.”

Both men nod without a flicker of surprise, following Drake as he leads us back to the study.

She’s waiting by the windows when she turns, wringing her hands in impatience. Her eyes are hard as they flick to Drake and the men in suits. Drake sits down at his desk, I stand beside him. Opening the desk, he pulls out a cashier’s check and tears it along the lines. One of the men, I can’t remember which was which, opens his briefcase. He pulls out a notary stamp and opens a ledger. The other man opens his briefcase and pulls out a two page, extremely legal document, laying it on the desk. Drake puts the check on the document, then a pen on the check and pushes it to the edge of the desk toward her.

“Your ten minutes are up.” It’s all he says, all he needs to say.

Shooting him a look of pure hatred, she moves to his desk. She looks down at the check and up to him. I can tell she’s dying to say something else, but knew she didn’t dare. With a flourish, she signs before pushing it back at Drake. Jamming the check into her pocket, she doesn’t say another word and walks out of the room. I watch Norman open the front door and follow her out. Finally, I can breathe again. I sag against the desk.


nbsp; “Mr. Hawthorne, while we are here would you like to go over the prenuptial agreement?”

Running a hand through my hair, I exhale in relief. Of course, the prenup. I nod with an easy smile. “As long as they’re here. I’d like to get it out of the way.”

“We’re going to go over this with you now. We do advise you to seek your own counsel before signing, however.”

I’m a little intimated by the thickness of it as I settle into chair, pulled up to Drake’s desk. The first few pages are legalese, the lawyer takes me through it slowly and politely. Then he gets to the bones of it and I’m floored. I’ll get a million dollar lump sum settlement for every year we are married, I get to keep everything given to me, including jewelry. I’ll get the family home, as long as it’s not the one we’re standing in. If we’re living here at the time of the divorce, I’ll get to purchase a home of my own, at a cost of up to five million dollars. I’ll get full physical custody of any children with legal custody joint, and twenty five thousand dollars a month in child support for each child, and that included Justin; Justin was actually in the document. The family trust was a bit tighter with the money. The trust would pay all costs of education, upon reaching eighteen the trust would pay directly to the child, but only a thousand dollars a month. It wouldn’t go up until the child married or became twenty five, whichever came first, then it would go to five thousand a month. At thirty it would go up to forty thousand a month. If the child was married it would go up to sixty-five thousand a month.

My color is draining and my stomach is rocking. Shaking my head, I look up at Drake, “This is too much. This is crazy. A million dollars for every year, this is insane, with the child support there’s absolutely no need for it. A house on top of child support is way too much. I know Chicago is expensive but it’s not this expensive. Drake, you have to redo this.”

“Gentleman, can you give my fiancée and me a moment please?”

As one of them looks near fainting, I think they need a moment, too. I’m looking at the contract shaking my head when it disappears from view. I look up to see Drake shaking his head.

“Fuck the prenup, you aren’t signing a prenup.”

“Drake, how can you say that after the way your first marriage ended?”

Coming around the desk, he picks me up and puts me on the desk. “Are you ever going to get pregnant to try and pass it off as mine?” My gasp of shock is his answer. He kisses me hot and deep and I’m dizzy when he pulls away. “You aren’t going to be a vicious bitch if something goes wrong. I don’t need the prenup.”

“I should warn you now, right this second, if you ever cheat on me then I will be a vicious bitch. I would do my best to hurt you as badly as you hurt me.” I’m dead serious. He sees the look in my eyes and nods.

“Duly warned, my love. I told you, I’m never going to let anyone hurt you that includes me. I’m pretty sure I’d be willing to cut off my cock before I cheated on you.”

“There’s no need to go that far, I rather love your cock.” I whisper into his mouth.

It takes a few minutes to remember the waiting lawyers. Drake politely tells them nothing further is needed for the day. There wouldn’t be a prenup and thanked them for coming. One of them left smiling, the other looking stunned. The smiling one assures Drake the adoption papers would be ready and waiting for us to sign on our wedding day. It would be best to only do them once, after we are legally married.

“I love that you put Justin in the prenup and are adding him to the family trust, even if it doesn’t feel quite right.”

“Justin will legally be my son, I have a responsibility to him. I’ve missed out on important milestones with him so far. I will be here for the others. I’ll be the one to teach him how to drive, I’ll be there with you when we take him to MIT for the first day. I’ll be worrying with you the first time he brings a girl home and wondering if she’s right or she’s going to break his heart. I also get to watch him walk across a stage to get his, no doubt, first of many diplomas. Those things, I’ll be there for, and there will be a time when I can’t be. That time is what the family trust is for, to take care of our family after we are gone.”

“Okay, I know Meredith is making lunch, but you have to make love to me within the next two minutes or I’m going to lose my mind. And stop holding my hand, it feels too good, though not nearly as good as your cock inside me.” I taunt him as I run for the stairs and he’s right behind me.

He catches me at the top of the stairs and picks me up over his shoulder, carrying me to our room. I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe when he tosses me on the bed and I land with a thump. Following me down our mouths find each other and cling. My hands are pulling at his shirt and his hand slides up my skirt. Yanking my panties to the side, he finds me wet for him. Two thick fingers push inside me and I’m straining to meet them.

“That’s it, baby. Fuck my fingers, so fucking tight. I’m going to need you to come for me because I’m not going to be able to last inside your tight pussy.”

Catching my nipple in his hot mouth he sucks hard then bites down. I scream from the pleasure-pain. I slam down on his fingers and he thrusts them to meet me. I’m frantic for him to be inside me. I’m begging but he isn’t moving his hands and I hit my orgasm, my body straining against him. Lost in the trembling and shaking of my body, I don’t even feel Drake moving until his cock is pressing into me. I’m boneless as he moves me on him and for the first time he is on his back and I’m on top of him. It feels so different, he’s so deep, filling me up completely, it’s almost overwhelming.

His hands move me on him and I’m shuddering from the feeling. My hands go down to his chest to keep me upright. It doesn’t matter that I’m on top, Drake controls me. I love it so much I simply go limp when he pulls me to his chest and begins to pound up inside me. So good, god, it feels so good. I’m drowning in him. Then, my climax swallows me whole and I’m breaking apart and shimmering into tiny pieces. I hear him shout my name as I feel him coming inside me. It draws out my climax until I wonder if I can still breathe. Below my cheek, the deep bellows of air he draws in has me matching him and finally I take in air.

Burying my face in his chest, I savor the feeling of him buried deep inside me. “I love the feeling of you inside me this way.” I murmur against the silk of his chest.

Still gasping for air, he nods, “I’m glad, because you feel so damned good this way, we’re going to be doing this often. I was worried that I’d be too big and it wouldn’t be comfortable for you.”

“I love it. More times like this please.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Romance