Page 18 of His Marriage Demand

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“Drake, that’s enough. I don’t care why you’re cranky. You don’t get to be an asshole to some poor girl just because she’s not making what you want appear from thin air.”

“Damn it, I told them what I wanted. My instructions were very clear. Not a single dress in the whole damned pile comes close. The photos have to be taken today, I want this to look perfect. You deserve this and people seeing the photos are going to expect it.”

“I don’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks and I have exactly what I want and deserve. Now, you are going to go and apologize to the poor girl right now or I swear I’m wearing nothing but white cotton underwear until the wedding.”

His laughter as he pulls me close fills me with happiness. “Perfect for me, absolutely perfect for me. Okay, I’ll go find the girl and apologize.”

He’s turning and we find the girl is waiting for us. She’s wiping her eyes and holding a dress in a black carrier bag. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Hawthorne. I found a dress, only it’s a size too small and the other store doesn’t have one close to her size six.”

“I apologize, I shouldn’t have taken my frustration out on you. My fiancée was right. That was uncalled for.” Drake takes the dress and looks down at me. “Well, was that a good enough apology?” With a sigh, I nod. “Good, then you get to go try the dress on.”

“But it’s a size too small. What if I split it or something?”

“You won’t split it, if you do I’ll pay for it. Some of the designers are unforgiving, not all of them. I want to see what you look like in this, please.”

With a shrug I take the dress. The assistant follows me into the changing room. I undress again, watching as she unzips the dress. I sigh in annoyance. It’s gorgeous and I will die if I can’t wear it. It is a close match to my wedding dress and the negligee I had worn. The only difference is it has a high collar and a deep v down the front. It’s also made of pure white lace at the top, no crystals or pearls are anywhere. Shockingly, it’s going over my hips, I’m praying it will zip up. It does, barely. Breathing deep isn’t something I dare do.

“Mr. Hawthorne really can be a dragon. He’s also as brilliant as they say he is. Those earrings match perfectly and you look stunning. You look like this could be your wedding dress. Other people have used it as one in the past, knowing him, your wedding dress is even better.” She’s sighing as she looks at me. I meet her eyes and exhale a yes.

She opens the door, I walk out and there is the tiniest of movements allowed. I know without a doubt I can’t sit in it. Drake is on his phone, when he looks up and sees me, he stops talking. He swallows so hard I can see his throat working and his eyes meet mine and I nod. I know what he’s feeling. I’m feeling it too, so I don’t dare move closer.

“We’ll take it.” His voice is hoarse and thick. The assistant looks at him for a long minute and I know she’s forgiven him, and so have I.

Chapter Nine

We meet Justin, dropped off at Pizzeria Duo by Enrico. I want to kill Drake for making me pick a dress I can’t sit down in. I refuse to eat, even though I’m starving. I don’t dare before the pictures. Chugging water, I watch Drake and Justin eat. Normally, I would be very cranky at the lack of food, I know it will be worth an afternoon of discomfort for the pictures. Justin has brought clothes he and Drake went shopping for yesterday. Drake had been right to not have him wear them as he’s now wearing his lunch.

Justin is in the front seat, Drake and I are in the back on the way to the studio. Norman finds parking and helps lug up bags of clothing. Justin is annoyed to find out he’ll be following me into the makeup chair, until he sees how pretty the makeup artist is. The woman introduces herself as Carla and goes to work. I watch in wonderment as I go from pretty to stunning under her

hands. I can hear Drake on the phone outside. I’m excited for him to see me, only the reaction is nothing like I expect.

“Jesus, Carla what the hell? You’ve covered up her beautiful skin and her eyes are too dramatic. This isn’t for the cover of a fashion magazine.”

“Drake, she has beautiful skin, the bright lights will wash her out. Yes, her eyes are gorgeous, I’m highlighting them. I know what I’m doing. If you want to bring her back for family photographs we can lighten the makeup. For the announcement, this is what’s going to come out best. Trust me, you know how to make money, I know how to make women beautiful.”

“Fuck, fine.” He mutters as he walks out.

“You look gorgeous, makeup or no makeup. He’s right, you have beautiful skin but the announcement photos are going to be in black and white. This will look great. People won’t be able to take in flawless skin in black and white.”

She helps me into the dress and puts the necklace on before pushing me out the door. I’m directed toward the studio and can hear Drake talking with Graham. Graham had been polite, reserved, and obviously gay. The man only had eyes for Drake. When I walk through the door Drake turns and sees me. Just like when I walked out of the dressing room, his eyes go dark.

He’s across the room in an instant. “We should have had these taken last.” His hand runs along my ear. “I can’t touch you the way I want. This is maddening.”

“I know. Have I mentioned today how much I love you? This day has worn me out and when we leave here I’m going to need food, then a very early night to recoup?”

“So fucking perfect for me.” He whispers in my ear. “Damn it, here comes Justin. Just don’t look at me or touch me and I might get through this without embarrassing myself.”

I laugh at his instructions and turn to focus on Justin.

Graham is polite as he moves Drake and me into a few poses. Drake is growling one of them had to be good enough. I’m pretty sure Graham puts us through a few more to make Drake pay. Finally, he says he’s pleased and Justin is ushered in and I’m ushered out to change. Changing into the least glaringly expensive of the outfits that Drake had picked, Carla is quick to lighten the makeup. I like it even more when she’s done. She tones down my eyes and lips. Drake is nodding with approval when she’s done.

Justin and I pose for a few together, then with Drake. I’m ordered into another dress. We do a few more before Drake is satisfied, Justin groans with relief and goes to change. But I stop Drake from following him. “Drake?”

His eyebrow goes up at the way I say his name. “What?”

“How much do you love me?” I whisper as I run a hand down his chest. Loving the way his muscles flex in reaction to my touch.

“Out with it before I embarrass the both of us.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Romance