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Meeting her gorgeous green eyes, I don’t blink. “I mean every word, forever and always. I know you are stronger than you think you are. But if you don’t want to try again, it’s up to you. I can take everything else except losing you.”

“I love you.” She whispers against my mouth. “I have since the first day. I kept waiting for something to happen, for me to wake up from this amazing dream I didn’t deserve. When it finally did I was sure our time was over. Only I couldn’t, I couldn’t walk away either. It is like leaving a part of me behind. I felt so guilty I got your ring because of the baby, but then I couldn’t keep the baby. It was like I let you both down.”

“It wasn’t because of the baby I bought this ring, and it was never because of the baby that I put it on your finger. It was you, Bethany. It’s always been you.” She swallows my promise with her kiss, the first since that night, and it’s a promise all over again. For what has happened and what will be, for us.

One week later


The alarm from Dante’s phone goes off. I sigh as I snuggle into Dante. His hand goes through my hair.

“Are you ready to get married today? Become Mrs. Dante Sabatini forever?”

“Yes please. I’m glad this is an afternoon thing and we can kick everyone off to sail away. I can’t wait for it to just be us again. I love Alicia, but she’s driving me a little batty asking me every five minutes how I’m feeling. Even though I’m sorry we aren’t having a normal honeymoon.” All I can think is how unfair it is to him.

A finger goes to the line between my eyes. “Don’t even think it. I’m not sorry at all. Normal is a subjective word. The purpose of a honeymoon is for a newly married couple to spend time with each other without the worries of all the usual stuff getting in the way. We need this time together. It doesn’t matter if we won’t be making love; it’s enough for me you’re in my arms when I go to sleep, and you’re still there when I wake up.”

“You always know the perfect thing to say.” I press a kiss to his lips, thankful once again for his love and patience. He sighs. “What?”

“I’m sorry, I kept telling myself to wait until you bring it up, but I can’t stop thinking about it. Do you want to try for another baby when it’s safe or...”

He’s trying so hard to shield his hope. I swallow against the lump in my throat. “I want to try again. You’re right. I am stronger than I think I am. I’m grateful for the pregnancy even though it didn’t come at the best time, but I would like some time for the two of us. For me to settle into my career. Is that okay?”

I’m braced for his disappointment, for guilt to hit me at denying him this, for now. Yet he smiles wide, his brown eyes glittering with happiness. “Whatever you want is okay. A few more years with only you as my entire world is pretty damn appealing. All that matters to me is you are happy. There is no hurry; we have the rest of our lives.”

Two years later

I hold my breath as the wand goes over my stomach. Dante gasps at the sight of the baby on the screen. The 3D imaging is amazing; we watch as the baby shifts in response to the wand. “It’s a boy,” the woman announces.

“Everything is good?” Dante asks.

“Yep, take a look at the screen, Daddy. Spine is straight and gorgeous, heartbeat strong, everything looks good.”

Dante squeezes me tight as I sag into him in relief. Even though I felt the baby moving, kicking like he was trying out to be a soccer player fear refused to disappear completely. Now seeing him on the screen so utterly real and perfect the fear floats away as if it never was.

“I’m going to give you a thumb drive of everything, okay?”

We nod, both too overcome as we stare at the screen.

I trace my finger over the screen. “Everything is going to be okay.” I know it now, I can feel it all the way to the marrow of my bones. We’re going to have a perfect, healthy baby boy and more will follow just as perfect. Our life won’t be unicorns and gumdrops, Dante will still drive me crazy from time to time, I’ll still make him nuts but us, we’re going to be just fine for now and always.

As I look up Dante, his eyes meet mine. He sees it all, and he nods in agreement. “Yes, sweetheart, it will.” Another promise in addition to all the others that I have no doubt he’ll keep.

Tags: Fiona Murphy Dirty Billionaires Billionaire Romance