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While I was forcing her into a dress to keep me from taking her back to bed the way she was begging me to, I came to the conclusion the nagging thought I kept pushing back wasn’t ever going to go away. I’m in love with Bethany. Air comes out of me in a shudder, and I sag against the wall as I stare blindly over the city.

I long ago gave up on the idea of love. When I was young I believed in the back of my mind that someday I would meet a woman, fall in love and get married and have a few kids. Unlike Che and Enzo, I didn’t think there was anything scary about love. As a teenager I messed around with a few girls here and there, only to discover the girls knew exactly who I was. Hooking up with me was a dare, a walk on the wild side. Angry, I avoided girls to focus on working with Che. Enzo had taken off into the Army the day after he graduated high school. There were a lot of late nights, and I was determined to keep pace with Che.

It wasn’t until I graduated from business school that I began to even consider adding women back into my busy schedule. It helped being a multimillionaire. I set the rules, and either a woman was down to fuck or she wasn’t; it wasn’t a problem to find someone else. At first all I wanted was to release all the tension from working until I dropped. Nothing wrong with having a little fun. From the first time I had sex at the age of seventeen, until graduating from business school at twenty-five, there were all of six women. I was making up for lost time.

In the back of my mind I wondered if each woman might be the one, only none of them ever were. Then I watched Che fall in love, watched him become happier, whole again. And I wanted what he had. Nina came at the worst possible time. She wasn’t quite as greedy, at first, as the other women. She said all the right things and I began to wonder. Then I began to hope. Then shit started going south, but I refused to call time, refused to admit I was wrong, and in the end it all went to shit exactly like I deserved. There were lessons I needed to learn, and I have, and I hope to hell it keeps me from screwing up.

I’m pacing now, I want to scream it, I want to tell Bethany only the second I think it I flinch. Is she ready? Will she think I’m nuts? It’s only been three weeks. But what does it really matter when there isn’t a doubt inside me? It won’t hurt to wait a little while, maybe a whole month. I can take the time to show her, so she doesn’t question it, doesn’t doubt it, doesn’t doubt me.

A little more time and patience. Bethany isn’t going anywhere, and neither am I.



I snuggle into Dante as the doors of the elevator close. “I have to admit when you said we were going to the opera, I was wondering how bored I would be, but it was amazing. Do you think we can go again before we leave?”

His hand goes around my waist and pulls me tight against him. “If you want to, I’ll make sure of it. As long as you wear this dress again.”

I’m wearing the illusion dress I fell in love with. Dante fell in love with it too, pulling me against his hard cock seconds after I came out of the room in it. “Are you done with the whole me resting or whatever for me to thank you properly?”

Dante’s chuckle is deep, unlike anything I’ve ever heard from him, and it sends a shiver up my spine. “You will definitely be thanking me, only it won’t be proper at all.”

Sounds like fun is my last coherent thought as Dante slings me over his shoulder when the elevator doors open. I land with a thump on the bed. “Strip.” It’s all he says before he goes into the bathroom. I hear him running a bath and wonder what he’s up to. Excitement has me naked in seconds, just in time for him to walk out of the bathroom. He nods towards the open door. “Get in the bath, I’ll be two minutes.”

Curious, I don’t bother questioning him and slide into the bath. Oh, it’s nice and hot and hmm, he added some oil, jasmine for sure and something I can’t place. I look up to see him coming into the bathroom with a small box in his hand. He sets it on the edge of the bathtub as he gets in behind me.

“What is that?”

“Open it.”

I lean over to pick it up, and once I do I’m tugged back against his hard-muscled chest. My favorite place. Leaning back, I open the box, and blush so hard my head spins. It’s a plug, very lifelike, maybe five inches long and an inch thick. Holding it, anticipation sends wet heat flooding my core. I know anal sex can be intensely pleasurable. It’s easier for a man to press against the G-spot through anal, and the orgasms are usually more intense. I have complete trust in Dante to make it as awesome as only he can.

“Hmm... when you go all quiet I’m never sure if it’s good or not,” he whispers against my neck before he kisses it.

“Good, very good.” I moan as his hands play with my breasts.

“Do you remember I promised you a spanking? I see you do, I love watching your nipples go all tight. On your knees, lean over the edge of the bath. What a good girl you can be, so responsive. It’s too bad you didn’t learn sooner. How many was it you earned? I do believe it was eight. Count them off for me.” I’m a freak, it’s so dirty and wrong to be so wet in anticipation for a spanking. Ow! Sonofabitch. Dante’s large hand smacks one of the cheeks of my ass, hard. The crack of it echoes around us. “Count it out, Bethany.”

My pussy clenches tight at the harsh way he raps out the words. “One.” I grit out the word.

Another smack, to my other cheek. Once again my pussy clenches hard and tight as the pain flows through my whole body. “Two.”

Fire explodes through my pussy at another smack to my first cheek. “Three.”

Oh god, why is this so fucking hot? My pussy is in anguish, throbbing, clenching, needy for Dante’s cock. I sob the word as my nipples tighten at the pain. “Four.”

Another and my head goes down, too heavy for me to hold up. Only my pussy is capable of moving, still clenching in need. “Five.”

I’m a freak. I rub my breasts against the edge of the bath to soothe the frantic need. “Six,” I shout.

Did I just come? “Seven.”


; No, now I’m coming. “Eight.” I moan.

“Damn, your ass is absolutely delectable. I want a picture of you like this, all red and round. I want it in a frame. Next time—I have a feeling you’ll be a bad girl again before long. I need a taste.” I suck in air fast as his hands open my ass for his mouth. Oh god, oh god, his tongue, oh god this is so dirty and so fucking awesome. I hear splashing behind me then his mouth is gone, replaced by the soft silicone of the plug against me, there. I want to move, to help him, only all the muscles in my body refuse to cooperate. The first few inches press easily into me. When Dante meets resistance, he slowly pulls it out to my anxious cry. “Shh.” Oh, he pushes it gently back inside. Ah, yes that’s nice, so nice. Patiently, Dante feeds more of the plug into me, then with each instance of resistance he fucks me with those inches of the plug in and out, in and out until my body begs for more, giving way inch by inch until it’s inside me as deep as it can go.

Tags: Fiona Murphy Dirty Billionaires Billionaire Romance