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“I do, which is why I have almonds, some jerky, and those roasted chickpeas. Here, have some chickpeas on the drive over, they are really good.” I toss him one of the tins they came in. He pops the lid and gives them a try.

“These are good, crunchy and smoky. What’s the flavor?”

“Those are barbeque, I have some ranch ones that are good too.”

“Where did you get these again?”

“That dietician Doctor Weber hooked me up with last year. She bought all kinds of snacks for me to try. When I picked the ones I liked, she gave them to Claudine to buy and send to the office. Tell Claudine to order you some.” Claudine is the housekeeper who runs my and Dante’s homes and private life. She not only cleans our homes and buys our food, she manages our bills and orders our suits and other clothes when needed.

“I still don’t get what Doctor Weber was talking about. Too thin, how can somebody be too thin? You didn’t look like it either. Okay, yeah, you do look a little better now, but I wouldn’t have called you too thin.”

I shrug, not willing to share now as I hadn’t at the time the doctor’s warning about my workouts being too intense without enough healthy fats, and a heart attack was looming in my future if I didn’t make changes. His seriousness captured my attention enough for me to follow most of his recommendations. I still need my workouts whether they’re once or twice a day—they’re my salvation to vent my frustrations.

Downstairs the sun is setting as I get into the limo that’s needed to carry the three of us. A Town Car is never big enough. I check my watch, it’s a little after seven thirty. Enzo is scrolling through his cell phone.

“Brenda let loose the reins tonight?” Dante asks with a knowing smile.

Enzo’s eyes meet mine the moment before he rolls his. He knows Dante’s always happy to jerk his chain. “Brenda is a bad memory.”

Dante nods with satisfaction. “Thank god. I don’t get what you saw in her. She had no tits, at all. She looked like a damn scarecrow. You want to hit the club tonight?”

Enzo shakes his head. “I’m full up on drama and bullshit. I think I’m going to take a break for a minute.”

“Great, I finally get Cesare off the bench and down you go.”

Fucking Dante. “Jesus, will you drop it? I’ve told you nothing is going to happen with her. Let it go.”

“She has him smoking again and slamming doors like a toddler in a fit. My ass nothing is going to happen.”

Enzo sighs. “Smoking again? Damn man, I don’t need Doctor Weber giving me shit about you when I go in for my own checkup. What’s the big deal with the woman?”

Doctor Weber had been a pain in the ass about the cigars. We all share the same doctor we’ve had since we were in our teens. After so many years, which included visits when we couldn’t afford to pay to be seen, Doctor Weber takes HIPAA as a suggestion between the three of us. I’ve gotten lectures on Dante’s promiscuity while both Dante and Enzo were on me to quit smoking to get the lectures to stop. Before I open my mouth, Dante answers, “She’s my new assistant, which does annoy me. I’m not happy about having to get a new one, but I’ll deal. I don’t get why he’s being such a grouch about her either. She’s no centerfold, but she’s pretty, and has the body of a real woman, all curves and shit. He gets all that and still bitches.”

I don’t like the idea of Dante taking notices of Alicia’s curves. “Shut the fuck up about her body,” I snarl.

Both the fuckers laugh, and Enzo shakes his head. “I can’t wait to meet her. I’d also lay off Dante, he looks like he’d love to pound your face. While he’s taking his time accepting his fate, it’s best to steer clear of his fists.”

The car stops outside of the restaurant, we unload to find a table is waiting for us. Porters is a place we come to often enough they know our orders without asking. A bottle of red wine is waiting for Enzo. I order a scotch if I’m going to have to put up with this teasing bullshit.

“So what’s so special about her?” Enzo asks as he sips his wine.

Dante shrugs, and I ignore the question while I check my email. “I’m going with the real woman curves. There’s also the fact she’s got a lot more in common with Che than he knows. Her mom disappeared on her and her sister when she was only ten, dropping her on her grandmother. The grandmother gave the responsibility of the sister to Alicia. Alicia has been taking care of her sister ever since and doing a pretty good job of it. The sister is in a program to become a physician assistant. In addition to working full time, she also has to supplement her income by making quilts she sells online. She’s no taker and is willing to work hard for what she has.”

“She sounds like a fucking unicorn. I haven’t met a woman in years who didn’t expect something in return for the mere pleasure of saying hello to her. I say lock that shit down if she’s dumb enough to put up with your ass.” Enzo salutes me with his wineglass.

I ignore him as I swallow my scotch. “Drop it, it’s not happening. Can we discuss something else, anything else?”

Dante shakes his head as he sips his own glass of red wine. “Whatever, she’s got him twisted.”

Throwing back the scotch, I contemplate getting up and leaving. Until Enzo punches Dante on the shoulder. “All right, you can talk to me later about it. Right now, you’re giving him indigestion before we even have our food. I’m in the mood for a quiet meal after the day I’ve had.”

Dante laughs. “Fine, I’m thinking about getting a new boat. You want to come with me to look this weekend?”

Just like that, the subject of Alicia is dropped. I wish I could say it was the last time I think of her for the night, but I can’t.



Tags: Fiona Murphy Dirty Billionaires Billionaire Romance