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“Ehh, yeah, but I have to admit I’m already tired, so after dinner would it be okay if you guys took me back to the apartment?”

“Sure. Get plenty of sleep. We leave tomorrow at nine.”

“I’m so excited.”



Cesare is kissing me awake, which is the way I like to be woken most. Only I’m still exhausted from a long night of lovemaking. “You are insatiable,” I mutter as his cock nudges inside me.

“You’re going to be gone for three days. I need you, cara.”

Mm, I can’t tell him no, then he’s inside me and I don’t want to tell him no. Last night as I fell asleep in his arms, I felt a moment of panic at the idea of not falling asleep with the feel of him against me. It didn’t matter we already made love in the shower, then again once he carried me to bed. Need overtook me, and I climbed on top of him until we both came again. This time I begged to fall asleep with him inside me. Best sleep ever.

Slow, so slowly and gently, he takes me to heaven. We lie together, me clinging to him, not letting him go. “I’m sorry I’m going away. I’m going to miss you while I’m gone.”

He lifts his head and brushes his lips against mine. “At least I’ll get work done while you’re gone.”

I sigh in exasperation. “If you start spending all day in the office I’m going to be pissed. You aren’t undoing all the hard work I put into you. I mean it, Cesare. Please.”

Nodding, he rolls off the bed, taking me with him. “Yes, my dear. Come on, I just saw the time. I’m going to be late.”

An hour later I’m kissing him goodbye with a sigh. A text comes through from Bethany telling me she’s ready, and she’s running down to the corner for breakfast in case I come when she’s gone. Oops, I’m running a little behind, at least my suitcase is already packed.

Bethany bounces into the limo. “I love Cesare. He’s so awesome. I can’t believe he got me the coolest gift ever. A trip to London on a jet and a pink crystal-encrusted Littmann stethoscope. How did he know I wanted one?”

“He found your Pinterest board.”

“Huh, I thought my board was set to private.”

I laugh. “That doesn’t stop Cesare.”

“Ohh, that’s kinda cool, actually.”

Once we land in London, after checking into an ultra-posh hotel Cesare had Hannah book us, we hit the ground running.

I had texted Cesare the minute we landed as he instructed. His response was immediate, telling me to have fun but not too much fun.

Over the next few days we text daily, but the nights are hell, for the both of us. With the time difference it isn’t easy to talk at the beginning of the day or at night when we want to the most. Bethany and I fill the days to bursting, roaming around the Tate Modern, visiting the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, and riding the Eye so many times I sat the last visit out. We had to buy another suitcase to hold all the stuff we got at the Camden Market, for the first time it was nice to be able to buy what we wanted without hunting for the price tag. With my new salary and not having as many bills since I moved in with Cesare there were times I couldn’t believe the balance in my checking account was real. Although I do feel guilty Cesare paid for the hotel. I tried to argue but he said it was his gift to Bethany as a part of her graduation present. I hate arguing with him so I let it go.

On our last day we make a last trip out for brunch before heading to the airport. I’m as excited to go home as I was at the idea of the trip here.

Dropping off Bethany at the apartment, we say a tearful goodbye. She has to be up early tomorrow to make her flight. Cesare offered the jet to take her onto Mexico. While Bethany wanted to accept, she felt guilty the charity had already paid for her plane ticket and declined.

As I walk through the front door, the sight of Cesare, his eyes full of relief, his face dark with intent, has my stomach flipping and heat flaring low. I don’t even get to open my mouth before catches me around the middle and hauls me over his shoulder.

Joy fills me until I swear I might explode from it as the world is flipped upside down. “You missed me too?”

“Woman, you’re never going away again. Next time I’m going with you,” Cesare growls.

“Funny you should say that. I know what I want my birthday present to be.” I laugh as I’m tossed down on the bed. He tears off his clothes. His eyebrow goes up.

“Anything you want, you get. We’ll talk about it later, my love. Much later.”

The sun is setting before I’m able to lift my head from Cesare’s chest. I run a finger over his lips. His eyes open to look down on me.

“I mean it. The next time you leave, I’m going with you.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Dirty Billionaires Billionaire Romance