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The day starts early. I’ve just kissed Cesare goodbye when the door opens to four men with rolls of wallpaper and ladders. Claudine sees my eyes go big and lets me know she’ll take care of them. I thank her and take off to my room. Another hour or two and I should be done with my quilt. Only I don’t get an hour. The men are working fast, and they are ready for my room. Claudine opens Dante’s condo, sure he wouldn’t mind me taking refuge inside.

Once I’m inside, I’m drawn to the sitting room and all the pictures. I spend almost an hour studying them all. Even though Cesare has opened up about the time before his parents died, it’s been rare and in brief flashes, usually a funny anecdote about Enzo or Dante.

Seeing these pictures, Cesare in his football uniform, at a small piano in what is clearly their family home, another at a piano on a stage, laughing with Enzo, holding Dante’s hand, trick-or-treating dressed as a cowboy has my heart aching for what he lost. Yet I’m filled with hope too, because I know over the last few weeks Cesare’s smile has grown more free and frequent.

Finally I settle down with the quilt to finish it. An hour later I’m done with a sigh of relief. My cell phone rings, it’s Bethany. I had texted her last night that I was taking today off. It’s been a few weeks since I called her to let her know about the whole Kelsey situation, making it clear she had fucked up and she had Cesare to thank for saving her ass, and to make sure it never happened again. I was proud of her for sending Cesare an email thanking him for what he did. However, our conversations since were stilted and shorter than they used to be.

“Hi, what’s up?”

“I got in! To both programs. Duke and the University of Iowa. I also got into Emory, but you know Duke and Iowa were the ones I wanted.”

“That’s great! I’m so happy. Have you decided which one you’re going to pick?” My fingers are crossed for Duke, it’s such a prestigious university.

She sighs. “I’m going with Iowa.”

“Really?” Shit, did my disappointment come through?

“I know. I know. Duke is the bigger name and everything, but...this last year has been really hard. There were times I was afraid no matter how hard I studied, I wasn’t going to get it. I want a smaller, less hectic program. From everything I researched, what I’m looking for is in Iowa.”

“Where you want to be is all that matters. It will be nice for you to still be close by, a few hours’ car trip rather than a few hours’ plane ride.”

“Yeah, I’ll admit that was something I thought about too., I didn’t apply this time. But, uh, they called me asking if I would volunteer again this summer in Guadalupe at the clinic.” I deflate. Bethany had actually decided against starting the program over the summer, so she could have a break as once the program starts there are no breaks like there was for an undergraduate. She would have a few days off during the holidays but she wouldn’t have a summer break, only a week between spring semester ending and the summer semester starting.

She had a minor in Spanish, feeling it would help her in working in clinic and hospital settings. “I said yes. They are short volunteers. They were so desperate they are willing to pay for my plane ticket. So...I’m only going to have a few days between graduation and leaving for Guadalupe.”

“I’m proud of you for being in demand. I’m going to miss you over the summer.” I don’t tell her I had wanted to fulfill her wish to visit Madrid as her graduation present. It would only make her feel guilty.

Her smile is clear through the phone. “I’m sure you’re so busy with Cesare you wouldn’t have time for me.”

“I’ll always make time for you. Don’t even think like that. Cesare mentioned he was looking forward to meeting you. At least for a few days you’ll have the apartment to yourself.”

“You still have the apartment?”

“Yeah.” I’m confused she would ask the question.

“I don’t know, I guess I just thought with you moving in with Cesare it meant, you know, you moved in completely. Does he know you have your apartment still?”

“No, he never asked me.”

“Okay.” She says it slowly, like I’m a small child. “Doesn’t he wonder where all your stuff is?”

“No. I’m not ready to let go of the apartment. I love him but...I don’t know. I don?

??t think it’s a big deal. I can afford it. It’s only been six weeks since I moved in. Let me give it a minute.”

She sighs. “Okay, but don’t be surprised if he’s not happy when he finds out. I have to go my next class starts in ten minutes, and it will take that long to get to the building.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later. Congratulations.”

“Thanks, love you. Talk to you later.”

Hanging up, I consider her question about my apartment. I’m not ready to think about it right now. I decide to go get ready to leave for lunch with Cesare.


Tags: Fiona Murphy Dirty Billionaires Billionaire Romance