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Damn it, my schedule is tight. I consider if I can move things over to Dante, and it’s not possible. “My time is limited today. I would be happy to have you visit me. I have a free forty-five minutes in two hours. My office is safe. Or I have free time tomorrow after lunch to take a walk.”

I’ve always appreciated the way he has respected and shielded my reputation and my company’s reputation, but after so many years I believe there isn’t a question of his business being involved with mine. In the early years there were whispers and innuendo; however, as there was no fire to feed the smoke, it stopped. I’m also not excited about taking a walk in forty-degree weather.

“Tomorrow at two then. We’ll grab a coffee from the shop at Halsted and Addison.”

“Thank you, Uncle. I’ll see you then.”



My uncle is in the coffee shop with a cup already. I grab an espresso then greet him. He’s grayer than he was the last time I saw him. “I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me.”

As we begin our walk it’s a relief to see the sidewalk is almost empty. Then again, with the cold wind blowing and the sky a gunmetal gray, it’s easy to understand. “I’m always happy to see you. I admit I was concerned with you stating the matter had to do with business.”

Nodding, I take a sip of the espresso as we wait for the light to change. “I wish it wasn’t. My woman has a little sister she has raised as if she were her own. The little sister, Bethany, like all young people, made a mistake. Bethany drove drunk and managed to damage her roommate’s vehicle. The roommate is Kelsey Kane. Understandably, Ms. Kane wasn’t happy; however, what she wanted in compensation far exceeded the mistake. Ms. Kane is blackmailing Bethany with a recording of Bethany admitting she drove drunk to the police. If Bethany is charged she will lose her place a university program, and without it she will be unable to achieve her chosen profession. Although Ms. Kane said she destroyed the recording once she received the fifty thousand she asked for initially, I have found she lied and is intending to blackmail Bethany again, as she had kept a copy of the recording. While a file was found of the recording and was corrupted, I cannot be sure it was the only recording. Her father is Phillip Kane, he owns a building you operate out of.

“His reputation is important to him. I have proof he not only knows what happens in the building, but he partakes in what is happening. I plan to offer him the choice between making sure his daughter has no other recording and she leaves Bethany in peace, or sharing the proof I have with the general public. As it will not be an idle threat, I wanted you to know before I approached Kane.”

My uncle is quiet for almost a block. “Congratulations on your relationship with Ms. Jeffries. Ms. Jeffries is a remarkable woman. She is a good match for you. I’m sure you’ll both be very happy. Phillip Kane is a craven moron more concerned with money and appearance than even his own comfort. I’m not concerned in the least with him not doing whatever it takes to keep the information from being made public. Should Kane be an issue, let me know. I’ll make sure he comes around.”

I’m relieved until I realize he knew Alicia’s last name. I shouldn’t be surprised my uncle knows not just about Alicia, but he probably knows as much about her background as I do. “Thank you, she is a very remarkable woman. I’m a lucky man. I appreciate your assistance with Kane, if I should need it.”

He comes to a stop, then nods at the door we’re in front of. It’s a used bookstore. “This is where I leave you now. Anything you need, let me know.”

He’s gone without another look. For a moment I wonder if the bookstore is a front and for what, then remember his business is none of my business and I don’t really want to know.



For the ninth time Dante whines. “Eight o’clock in the morning, Che? Why so damn early?”

I laugh, and he doesn’t like that. “Because it’s one more way to throw him off-kilter. He’s a night owl like you. I told you that you didn’t need to be here. You could have stayed in bed.”

Yawning, Dante sucks on his second espresso this morning. “No fucking way are you talking to this fucker without me. I’m also telling you right now, Alicia is going to be pissed you didn’t let her know what’s going down.”

I’m aware she won’t be happy. However, this isn’t something I want her worrying about. As far as I’m concerned all this bullshit is beneath her. “Let me worry about Alicia.”

The phone rings, it’s security from downstairs letting me know Kane is here. Diego texts me that his guy has Kane in his sights. I pull up the security camera and see Kane coming up in the elevator with a guy beside him in the elevator. As the guy gets out, he bumps into Kane and I just know the guy has dropped the listening device into Kane’s suit pocket.

My phone beeps before Hannah comes through, telling me Kane is here. I pick up the phone and tell her to have him come in.

Kane is a preening jackass who thinks he’s a peacock. I don’t stand or offer my hand as he gets to my desk. All I do is indicate to take a seat. He looks from Dante to me before sitting down slowly. “, you wanted to meet with me?”

I nod. Picking up a sealed envelope, I offer it to him. It holds the proof of his knowing what’s going on in the building he owns and him using three different women there.

Confused, he opens the envelope. He goes pale. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out.

With a smile I lean back. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Your daughter has become a problem, my problem. Her former roommate, Bethany Jeffries, screwed up. Bethany sideswiped Kelsey’s precious BMW. Bethany was willing to take responsibility and sought to make it right.

“Your daughter demanded compensation of far more than she deserved in the amount of fifty thousand dollars, using the threat of revealing Bethany’s recorded admission she damaged your daughter’s car because she was drunk. Had that been all, even though I don’t personally think the punishment fit the crime, I would have let it go. However, your daughter has told others she intends on blackmailing Bethany again, that she didn’t destroy the only recording. As you might be able to tell, those are all copies. You bring me all recordings your daughter has of Bethany. Your daughter forgets Bethany ever existed. You do that and no one else ever sees what you have in your hand. You have twenty-four hours.”

Shaking his head, he flinches when I get to the part about the fifty thousand dollars. By the time I’m done he’s angry, his face a mottled red, and nodding. “I’ll deal with her. I’ll handle this. I’ll have it before the end of the day.”

Kane leaves in a dead run. Dante laughs as th

e door bangs closed behind him. “I do believe Kelsey Kane is going to regret she ever thought of blackmailing Bethany Jeffries.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Dirty Billionaires Billionaire Romance