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It took a moment for Miranda to realize it wasn’t her cell phone’s alarm going off, but it ringing. Fumbling for the phone she answered it before she brought it to her ear, afraid she would miss the call.

“Miranda, I’m sorry to wake you, love.”

“Declan? When are you coming home? It’s been forever!”

“I feel it too, my love. I’ll be home soon. My flight leaves in an hour. I should be home around six or seven o’clock in the evening, Chicago time. I just wanted to let you know before I got on the plane. I have to go, sweetheart. Bye.”

Miranda rolled over and screamed into the pillow. Declan’s call felt absolutely cruel. It had been seven days since he left, not one call or text or email, and then a call at three in the morning to let her know he was coming home. Her scream of anger was replaced by one of happiness. He was coming home. Miranda clung to his pillow and breathed deeply and, surprisingly, fell right back to sleep.

When she went down for breakfast that morning, she made sure to let Dolly know of Declan’s pending return, and blushed when Dolly promised to prepare something special for the both of them.

Work dragged by, and when the clock struck five, she was out the door with everyone else. As she went up the stairs into the house, her phone buzzed with a text. Declan’s flight was on schedule out of New York, and he would be in Chicago in just over two hours. He would have Mark pick him up. Miranda tossed her bag down and ran for the stairs. It would be tight, but she would be ready when he came home.

The front door slammed shut, and through the open bedroom door she could hear Declan wheeling his suitcase in and pacing around downstairs. She didn’t say anything, but leaned against the foot of the bed. He was up the stairs at a run. Seeing her, he stopped.

She was wearing a few of the things he had bought from Beatrice’s boutique. Black silk stockings held up with a matching wisp of a garter belt, in impossibly high heels that she prayed she wouldn’t have to take more than a few steps in. Panties made of the softest see-through black silk and a bra that had no cups to it, only the support underneath to lift her breasts, as if they were begging for his mouth and they were.

He took a step forward and she held up a hand. “Not another step. I’m really pissed off at you. You telling me that you loved as you left was incredibly selfish of you, and as you only told me to keep me here until you came back, I think you should be punished for it.”

Declan startled and started to shake his head, but stopped as he seemed to realize it, and looked at her. His eyes were bright amber and filled with love. “I did, and that was wrong. I’m sorry, it wasn’t fair of me.”

“No, it wasn’t fair at all. Then you’re gone for seven days and not one call or text, nothing. It felt so cruel.” Her voice broke, and it shocked her. This wasn’t going the way she planned.

He made his move then, and was only a foot in front of her when she saw him through the tears in her eyes. She held up a hand again. “No! Declan, I told you—”

“That I should be punished, and sweetheart, I have been, I promise you that.” He was on his knees in front of her, and his hands slid up her silk-encased legs. “Every moment I was gone I was tortured by the thought you would come to your senses and leave. I was terrified to learn I might have gotten it all wrong and that you didn’t care as I did, and my telling you would make you run. I picked up the phone again and again to call you, terrified you wouldn’t answer. Day after day, I begged my uncle to let me come home to you, and had to listen as he taunted me over my fear. Every night, I dreamed you were in my arms and I was inside your beautiful body, and woke to find myself alone.” His hands were at her hips, and he kissed the mound of her pussy through the gossamer silk. It was a solemn, gentle kiss. “My love for you shouldn’t have been used as a cage to keep you here, but I will tell you that my words came to haunt me. In not knowing how you felt, every minute felt like I was waiting for the world to fall away from beneath my feet.”

Miranda began to cry at his words, and her hands were in his hair. His honesty almost devastated her, as she had never once considered he would have fears as well.

Shaking his head, he pulled her into his arms as he stood. “Please don’t cry, sweetheart. I can’t bear it.”

“I was so mad at you for doing that to me. I never once considered how you might feel, that you could have been as scared as I was. I’ve been so selfish, and I’m sorry. I love you, and I hate to admit that I didn’t want to know it, let alone admit it out loud. If you hadn’t pushed me, I would have still had my head in the sand. Telling myself it was just amazing sex that made me feel so wonderful and happy.”

He stilled at her words and ran a finger down her cheek. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel you have to say it because I did.”

Miranda smacked his hand away. “Don’t talk to me like I’m stupid, Declan. I know what I feel. I knew it that day in the gym. When I was crying, it wasn’t because of Peter. I was crying because I thought that although the sex was amazing, it was all we would have, because it was all you wanted from me.”

“What? Why the hell would you think something so stupid?”

“Because of you! All you talked about was sex and pleasure, no mention of love. You said a fire this hot would likely burn out fast, and that we would enjoy it until it went out!”

“Sweetheart, you were running scared from me. I would have told I was a damn leprechaun and I’d grant a wish if you’d stay. I wasn’t sure it was love then, but I knew it was something special, and we needed time to find out just how special.”

“Oh.” Her anger quickly disappeared, and she understood then. “When did you know?”

“When you looked at me with fear in your sweet eyes and told me that, even though you were scared, you wanted me. Believing that you would receive no pleasure while allowing me to take mine just summed up everything about you. Your generosity and bravery stunned me, and I knew then that I was never going to let you go.”

“Just for the record, even from that night, I had no desire to leave.”

His hand went into her hair and pulled her back to receive his kiss. It was filled with the hot, aching need that had built in the days he had been gone. He pulled away and was back on his knees in front of her, his hot breath against her silk-encased pussy. “I thought I was going to come just staring at you in this.” His hands were back on her hips, and slowly moved over her ass. His hands shaped the globes of her ass and brought her to his mouth. He licked her through the silk, slow and wet. He slid one hand down the back of her leg and settled it over his shoulder. He didn’t take the panties off; he simply pulled them to the side and ran his tongue over the slick seam of her pussy.

“Declan, I want you inside me.”

“Yes, my love, as you wish.” Pulling her lips apart, he licked her swollen clitoris before sucking hard. That was it, that was all it took after seven long days without him, her body shook with an almost painful climax.

She went limp, and he picked her up and laid her on the bed. He undressed slowly as his gaze roamed over her flushed body. His cock was so thick Miranda could see he hadn’t been exaggerating. Taking off the high heels he climbed between her thighs. Pulling both her legs up over his shoulders, he opened her completely to him. He sank into her with one long, agonizingly slow stroke, and closed his eyes.

Declan was so deep and so thick Miranda wondered if she would orgasm again just having him fill her up. He moved, and her pussy shuddered in response and clung to his cock. He began to move faster, and an orgasm swallowed Miranda whole, without her seeing it coming.

Tags: Fiona Murphy Erotic