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The entire time he’s talking, he’s walking me through to the house, and even though I want to run in the other direction, I let him lead me. How can he be so sure they will like me? My hand tightens around his and fear chases up my spine. Trey’s parents are important to him. He’s spoken of them often, and he speaks to his father two or three times a week and his mother at least once a week. If they don’t like me, will it make a difference to Trey?

We walk into the brightly lit kitchen, and I’m immediately engulfed in a warm hug. I can hear the words but can’t see the woman saying them. “Oh, she’s so pretty. Edward, isn’t she beautiful? Trey, it was cruel of you to keep her all to yourself.”

The small woman finally gives up her hold on me and steps back, and I’m blushing that a woman as stunning as her is calling me beautiful.

“Mother, please behave or you’ll have her running for the door. Dad, I could have sworn you said just last night you weren’t coming to Chicago for another month. Don’t give me that look. Kate, I would like you to meet my parents, Edward and Elise Ramsey. You two, this is Kate Frazier, and you will behave yourselves.”

His father is a stunning clone of Trey, only a little greyer and shorter and although he lacks the muscles Trey has, I can see Trey would still be broad and thick even without the hours in the gym.

The man’s handshake is firm and his smile is relieved. His mother is smiling so widely and hopefully I give in and give her a hug, and she returns it with a stronger grip than I would have thought possible from someone so small. She’s beautiful and petite. Her features fit perfectly in the oval of her face, and short blond hair is streaked with grey, giving her a refined look.

Once she lets go, her smile is nearly blinding. “I’m so happy to finally meet you. I do hope you’ll forgive us for intruding on you. I simply couldn’t take it anymore, every time I’ve spoken with Trey for the past few months, he’s sounded so happy and less stressed. Once he finally admitted it was because of you, I couldn’t wait to meet you. You have no idea how happy I am Trey has finally met you. I’ve been so worried about him. It is such a relief to know he has you.”

Her sincerity is obvious, and it feels good to know she thinks I’m good for Trey. There are times when I still wonder how he could possibly want me and think I’m good enough for him. Hearing it didn’t matter why, I was what he wanted and she thought I made him happy feels amazing. Trey pulls me close, his hand firm on my waist.

The evening moves into night quickly, and I’m feeling so loved it feels like I’m floating up the stairs to bed. Trey closes the door and pulls me into his arms.

“Have I mentioned today I love you? Thank you for being so nice to my parents. You have been so sweet and charming. I know my mom can be a little much, you handled her like a pro. I’m so proud of you.”

“Trey, I love your mom. She’s sweet and obviously adores you. Your dad is a hunk, and he reminds me of you, right down to your endless patience. It was a little unnerving to see what I would be looking at in the future.”

“Hmm, I was wondering why I saw you staring at him a few times. I wanted to give you spanking for making me jealous. I forgive you now that I know what you were thinking of.”

“Mmm, now I’m disappointed. You haven’t spanked in me in almost two weeks.”

Picking me up, he nips my neck. “If a spanking is what my lady wants, then a spanking is what you’ll get.”

“Please, Trey.” I press against his thickening cock.

“Hmm, I just remembered the last time I spanked you there was a lot of moaning, and you were loud as hell. My parents are here, how good of a girl are you going to be?”

“Trey, I can be very good, I promise. But you have to do what you did that one time, please.”

“Seeing as how I’ve spanked you more times than I can remember, you’re going to have to refresh my memory. Fuck, you are so wet.” His fingers move easily inside me.

“You spanked me until my ass burned and then you fucked me hard in the ass, and you came on my ass and rubbed it into my hot, aching skin.”

“Damn, you are just so wet talking about it. If it’s what you want then it’s what you get. Get the lube, baby.”

“I can’t wait for it, and you know you don’t need it. My pussy is wet enough.”

“Fuck, you make me hard knowing how much you want my cock in you. On your knees.”

I turn over and push my ass toward him, the stinging smack rings out in the room, and I bury my face in the mattress to hide my cry of delight.

Chapter Twelve

The past two

weeks have passed in a blur, and I’m a little sad to know today is the last day Elise and Edward will be in Chicago. They’ll be up before both Trey and I tomorrow. Twilight is falling, and Elise and I are sharing a quiet moment on the back deck, enjoying the cool night air. Today we went to a play and out to lunch, and now Trey and Edward are cooking dinner. It’s their punishment for making some teasing sexist remark about the shrew in the play. After much squabbling Edward, offered to cook, and Trey quickly followed up his father’s offer with the promise of an evening of leisure for me and his mother. Elise and I looked at each other and gave in. I’m pretty sure we were thinking the same thing. The last two weeks had been pretty darn leisurely already, but if they thought differently we weren’t going to turn them down.

There was only a handful of times where either Elise or I cooked, and when we did we did it together. We worked well in the kitchen. I wanted to kiss Trey for giving me pointers and walking me through cooking over the past few months. I still felt far behind Elise in knowledge, but I was very good at following directions and staying out of her way. It was fun and informative, not just on cooking but on Trey, and the woman I often resented for what she had done to Trey—his dead wife. Elise hasn’t been blatant in her dislike of the woman, but it’s clear she felt the same resentment, alluding to the changes in Trey because of Susan, and she shared her deepest secret. That she was relieved at Susan’s passing, and her only tears were of shame at the feeling. Elise knew Trey wasn’t going to end their marriage, even if he was miserable, he had made vows and he wasn’t going to go back on them.

“Well, dear, I hope you’ve removed the batteries in the smoke alarms.” Elise sighs as she sips at the glass of wine she’s been nursing.

“Trey is very good in the kitchen. I’m sure they’ll be fine.”

“Hmm, Edward hasn’t been in the kitchen in years, and he’s very bossy.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Erotic