Page 41 of His Fire Inside

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“As much as I want to break these sheets in, what do you say to you packing a bag and spending the time Mom is gone at my place?”

“Mm...sounds like heaven, except your place isn’t the easiest to find and Gabe will be picking me up. How about tonight we break in the sheets, then tomorrow after Gabe drops me off, I pack a bag and head over.”

“It isn’t easy to find for a reason. You’re right, I don’t want him getting lost. All right, tonight I can have my way with you all over the house, you can scream as loud as you want when you come and there’s no worry of bothering Mom.”

“Considering the way you make me scream, the neighbors might be bothered.”

Pulling her mouth up to me, I press a kiss to her soft lips. “Let’s find out.”



A few hours later as Olivia clings to me, her body soft against mine, I hear her stomach growl. We both laugh. Fuck. I love hearing her laugh. Best. Sound. Ever.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I’m falling down on the job of taking care of you. We definitely aren’t going out to eat. Want to order from the Vietnamese place? They can get something here within fifteen minutes.”

“Please. Order me the chicken with lemongrass and vermicelli noodles, also some extra egg rolls so I can have them later to snack on, those things are so good. I’m going to take a shower real quick.”

“Yes, ma’am, but when you’re out of the shower, I want you naked, so put on a robe so no one else sees you that way. Then once we get the delivery I want your beautiful body on display for me.”

With a blush down to her beautiful breasts, she sighs as she nods. It’s a customary request I have for her when we’re at my place. I’m surprised by her blush, as the last two times she spent the night she didn’t even bother getting dressed again. I showed her how pleased I was by eating her pretty pink pussy until she coated my face with her come twice.

I place the order, and when they quote me a half hour, I offer a fifty for them to get it here in fifteen minutes. They promise it will be here in fifteen minutes. I’m still lying in bed when she gets out of her shower. “Be a good girl and clean my cock, since you were a bad girl and cleaned your pussy of my come.”

Her bottom lip slides inside her mouth as I watch her nipples pucker. I’ll never stop loving how responsive she is. As she gets on the bed, I smell her wet pussy and decide to reward her with my fingers in her pussy as she cleans me. Her soft velvet tongue slides up, then down over and over until I’m clean, then she begins licking my balls. “Such a good girl.” I praise her as I tease her clit. Her pussy is leaking down her inner thighs.

Olivia takes her time laving my balls before taking one, then another into her hot, greedy little mouth and sucking lightly. I grunt. Damn it, I’m going to come. She already knows my body enough to realize it and moves to take the head of my cock into her mouth, sucking harder and harder as both hands stroke me. I come, and my good girl swallows everything as she moans. Since she’s so very good, I push her over the edge to her climax. With a little cry, she falls on my chest. I hold her close, loving the way her body trembles against mine.

The doorbell goes. Damn. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, I tell her to wait in the room, then throw on a robe and grab my wallet and go get the delivery. I hand the guy a hundred-dollar bill and tell him to keep the change.

When she comes out of our bedroom she’s naked; for a moment all I can do is stop and stare. Her body is glowing from our time in the sun naked. She’s glowing as if a light were turned on inside her at knowing what she does to me. Slowly she walks toward me, then goes on tiptoe to press a kiss to my lips. “Let’s eat in front of the television. We can get you caught up on Supernatural.”

“Why am I being tortured when I’ve been so good to you today?”

She laughs, taking the bag of food from me, setting it on the ottoman we use as coffee table. Shaking her head, she lays a silky throw for us to sit on. “Come on, I promise you season eight is awesome and nine is even better. Please, pretty please with me sucking your cock on top.”

I give in because telling her no was never an option. We get settled onto the couch. She sucking on her vermicelli noodles as we discuss the progress on my two hotels.

“The hotel in Florence is taking reservations starting next week.”

“And the place in Tours?”

Shrugging, I give in and voice my hesitation, which is rare—both for me to be hesitant and to share it with anyone. “I don’t know why I’m reluctant. Something about Mom saying she thought it would make a better family home. I’ve been thinking of using it as a way to get her to go over on vacation to check it out before opening it to the general public. It’s a very relaxing place.

“If I want to keep a second place, it makes more sense than the one in Monaco. The only thing Monaco offers Austin doesn’t is gambling, which I’m fine with. I can hardly believe I was thinking it would be nice to be somewhere where there are all four seasons without dealing with a foot of snow. While Tours gets snow, it’s rare for it to be more than a few inches.”

“So would you move there, like, full time?” Her fork picks at her food. I know immediately what she’s thinking about.

“I’m not sure. Have you ever wanted to live overseas?” The fuck? Only I can’t take the question back, I don’t want to.

Her eyes widen. “I know I want to travel overseas. When we were younger we were stationed in Germany, but we moved to Austin by the time I was six. I’d like to see more of the world but as far as moving permanently, I don’t know. I love my brother and sister and would hate the idea of going months and months without seeing them. If it were for the right reason though, I think I’d be open to it.”

The meaning behind what she’s saying is clear in her eyes. “I have a private jet. It’s nice being able to come and go in Austin and overseas when I want.”

“A private jet?”

Smiling at her shock, I nod. “With all the back and forth, I hated being on someone else’s schedule. There were also usually no less than three different layovers before getting to Austin, and sometimes just as often back.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Romance