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“You always have to have the last word, my love.”

“Hm, when the last word is love, I’ll let you have it.”

“Love,” he whispers, his lips against mine.

Christmas Eve


When the doorbell rings, I don’t even bother looking up from the present I’m wrapping. The condo is filled with people to answer the door. I’m sure it’s probably just another person coming to deliver something. After the second time Stephanie, the wedding planner and I got snippy with each other, I left her to put the room together herself. If there’s anything I want to change, I’ll do it tomorrow before the ceremony.

There’s a light tapping on our bedroom door. “Christina, it’s Gemma. Ivan wants to see you in his office.”

“Okay, let him know I’ll be right there.” I finish tying the ribbon for Ivan’s last present with satisfaction. I’m glad Gemma didn’t open the door, I haven’t finished wrapping her present yet. I round up her unwrapped present and Ivan’s and take them into our walk-in closet. It takes a few minutes to hide everything.

Opening the door, I find Gemma waiting with her eyes wide. “What?”

She shakes her head, “I thought you said you guys weren’t doing a prenup?”

I go still. “We aren’t.” At least when I offered to sign one a few weeks ago, Ivan declined. Did he change his mind? “Why?”

“The guy who came is Ivan’s lawyer. Sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. Do you want me and Aari to clear out for the day?” Gemma and Aari have been spending the last week with us in order to be here for our wedding day tomorrow. The day after Christmas, Ivan and I are off to our honeymoon for a month. Gemma and Aari will leave on the plane with us and we’ll drop them in Manchester before continuing on to Sicily. I’ve enjoyed having them here, Gemma is sweet and Aari is clearly in love with her. Even if he does seem to be doing a lot of work while he’s here.

“No, don’t worry about it.” I assure her as I go into Ivan’s office.

An older gentleman with a serious expression and graying hair nods at me. “Christina, this is William Blake. He’s got some paperwork I want you to sign.”

Ivan is behind me and closes the door as he crosses to me. “William, my fiancée, Christina Connolly.”

Tense, I look down at the thin document. It’s maybe twenty pages. “What do you want me to sign? I thought you said you were okay not doing a prenup?”

His arms slide around my thickening waist, pulling me against him. “I don’t want you to sign a prenup. This is ownership paperwork. Once you sign, you’ll own thirty percent of Volkov Holdings.”

I forget the guy. I’m stunned, unable to take it in for a moment. “Are you serious? I don’t understand.”

Taking my face between his hands, he smiles down at me. Those bees are let loose again. Who knew Ivan, happy, content, and smiling had the same effect? “For the last three years, you have brought in thirty percent of earnings. As much as I don’t want you worried about working and finding acquisitions, you still continue to do so. You pitched a fit about me trying to raise your salary since you just want to remain at my side as a PA. Fine, you’ll own a part of what you’re helping me make.”

My thoughts are jumbled, I can’t find the words. Why the hell am I crying?

Ivan’s head comes down against mine. “My love, when you cry it causes severe havoc inside me. I’m also sure it’s not good for our daughter.”

I smile against all odds. We’ve been play fighting on whether we’re having a boy or a girl. I’m positive it’s a boy Ivan is hoping for a girl. “You know I don’t care about the money. Your company..

. it’s you and it’s...”

“Exactly, it’s been me for so long. You own so much more than just a part of me, love. You own my whole soul. This is a part of that. I want it on paper the same way I want your name and mine on a marriage certificate. For everyone to know.”

Nodding, I smile through my tears.

It’s not easy to understand the lawyer, I have to ask a few questions but in the end I sign because it will make Ivan happy and that’s all I want. To make him as happy as he makes me.



Looking around the room, I am at last content. It took several hours to turn Christina’s large studio into what it is now. The place where our wedding ceremony is due to start in the next five minutes. I’m relieved Christina was content with a small ceremony. Our guests consist only Anna, Gemma, Aari, Elise, Dmitri, Lydia, Decker, Connor, Lindsey, Tim, and all the children that went with them here today. Considering it was Christmas Day, the children were better behaved than I was concerned they would be.

Christina had at first been resistant to marrying today, preferring New Year’s Eve. She gave in when I told her she was the gift I had been waiting for all my life, and all I wanted was to make her my wife on Christmas. Through her happy tears, she agreed.

Tags: Fiona Murphy Erotic