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ile and try to focus on work.

I have managed to convince myself there’s nothing to worry about until she arrives. Sonofabitch. She has legs up to her neck and a body like an old-fashioned Coke bottle. Tim takes her into Ivan’s office, I try to pretend I’m not freaking out.

Tim laughs. “You have nothing to worry about. Less than nothing.”

Eyes wide, I can’t believe he knows.

“You have a very expressive face. It’s how I knew about you and Ivan. Which, really, congrats. I’ve never seen the guy so damn happy. I’m glad you put him out of his misery. Coming in late, telling me he’s leaving early.”

Another laugh. “You didn’t see he had me clear his calendar? Everything after six from now until the end of the week has been rescheduled. I’m also not going to Manchester with you guys. I’ll be working from here.”


“My bad, I remember he didn’t cc you on the email. There wasn’t much to it. Just I wasn’t going to be needed. That woman could lie on his desk naked and it would only annoy him, even before he met you. Now, it might actually make him angry.”

“Thanks,” I mutter, embarrassed.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. Did you the finish the research yet?”

“Yep, I’m sending it now.” Who would have thought Tim would make me feel so much better? He’s right, I’ve had to watch more women than I can count flirt with Ivan. The only thing it inspired in him was annoyance. There’s nothing to worry about. I’ll have all of his attention, for at least the next three weeks...except after that she’ll work for him and I’ll be gone.

Why does my stomach flip with nerves when Ivan tells me he thinks she will work out in the car? Shut up, shut up, don’t say a word. He wants you in his home, we’re leaving at six o’clock like normal people because of you. We’re going out to dinner, because he thinks the dress is too good to waste going home.

The restaurant is one of his favorites. He doesn’t eat out often, I’ve noticed. As we walk through it to get to our table, the staff nod at him as we pass. The menu looks good but nothing appeals.



I realize he’s said my name a few times already. Putting down the menu, I force a smile. “Sorry—”

The waitress comes to take our order. I go with salmon and a salad.

She’s barely walked away before Ivan is on me. “What is the matter?”


He sighs. “Fine, I will not hire her.”

Shame fills me. “I’m being stupid. If you think she’ll fit, then hire her. Ignore me.”

A soft chuckle brings my eyes to his. “Rest assured, Christina, the one thing I have never been able to do is ignore you. I will not do so in the future. I will keep looking. There was another applicant who appealed, I will schedule them tomorrow.”

“Ivan, I—”

“Do you like arguing in general, or is it just with me?”

“Actually, I don’t argue in general, it’s only ever you.” I barely restrain myself from sticking out my tongue. “I’m trying to be an adult here and admit that’s it’s ridiculous of me to be jealous about you being around a tall, blonde, curvy Yale graduate, with enormous breasts I’m pretty sure are fake by the way. Why won’t you accept it?”

“Because despite what you say now, I know every time she will be working late with me, you will be stressed out wondering if there is anything happening. Also, if you think you are hiring an attractive man or lesbian for your assistant when you take over Simon’s office, I am warning you it will not happen.”

I laugh, I’m not going to argue with him anymore. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome. Save room for dessert, they have a cheesecake I believe you will like.”



Tags: Fiona Murphy Erotic