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Her eyes dash from Isla's face back to mine. "I'll do that, sir. I'll start wearing Liore lingerie every day."



At least I converted Cicely into a lingerie wearing, not-so-hot, Liore employee today. If I had the patience, and any interest at all, I'd also suggest that she stop raiding her grandmother's closet when she's getting dressed for work each day.

Who am I to judge? She's obviously going to walk out of here with a job and I'm going to be headed straight for…well, to my apartment most likely. I'm too exhausted to even think about looking for a new job tonight.

I tried to make a lasting impression with my knowledge of Cicely's underwear. She may believe that I can tell that she wears plain white panties and bras because it's obvious in the way she carries herself.

Truth be told, I caught a glimpse of her in the staff room after work one day trading out the hideous yellow pants and matching blouse she had on for her work-out clothes. That's when I saw that she wasn't wearing anything sold at the boutique. It's actually an image that will be burned into the farthest back reaches of my mind forever.

"Isla is right." Mr. Foster rubs his fingers over the lace of one of the garter slips. "This isn't what I expected at all. I didn't approve this."

Cicely steps into place right next to him, her hands greedily reaching down to scoop up a black slip. "I have to agree. Our customers wouldn't find them acceptable at all."

For fuck's sake, Cicely. Really? Now, you agree with me?

"Pack them up and ship them back." He tosses the slip onto the sofa. "I'll make the necessary calls tomorrow and have a new sample sent with the materials I approved."

"I can bring that to your office as soon as it arrives," Cicely mutters under her breath as she pushes the garter slips back into the bags.

"No." He leans against the corner of his desk. "That's not necessary. I'll have it delivered here. Your attention should be on the boutique and the staff."

"Of course," she says while she nods her head. "I'm in charge there, after all."

I roll my eyes not caring if Gabriel Foster catches the movement or not. I doubt like hell that I've saved my job. I don't take an ounce of comfort in the fact that he hasn't brought up what happened in the store earlier.

He's been bombarded with dealing with Cicely and her impromptu meeting since we arrived. I expect to be next on his agenda which means I'll not only have to face his wrath but I'll have to do that with Cicely as a witness. If that's not karma, I'm not sure what is.

"Is there anything else that you need?" He crosses his arms over his chest as he watches Cicely fumble with the bags. "I assume that we've covered everything you came here to address."

"Yes, thank you, but if I think of anything else I'll call you." She pushes two of the bags towards me with her foot. "Isla and I will go back to the store and pack these up. She can drop them at the courier's office on her way home."

I turn to look at her, realizing that if I do indeed walk out of here with a job, I'm going to have to do everything she says since she is technically in control of my every movement at Liore.

"Isla won't be accompanying you back to the boutique." He takes a measured step towards us. "I need to have a word with her."

Cicely's brow furrows as she studies my face. "I'm her manager. Is it something I need to know about?"

"This doesn't concern you." His eyes are trained solely on my face. I know he's waiting for me to react but I won't. I'm not about to break in front of my manager. I don't want to give her a glimpse into that part of me. To her, I'm just another in a string of women, who will work at Liore for a short time before they mess up.

I've heard her sharing stories with Wallis while they've stocked shelves. I won't be the first, or the last, woman to be fired from the boutique by Mr. Foster. I just don't want to be the only who was fired by him in front of Cicely.

"Should I wait in the reception area?" She struggles to pick up all four of the shopping bags. "I can wait there until Isla is done."

"There's work for you to do at the boutique." He scoops the handle of two of the bags into his fists. "I'll have Sophia call a car for you. The driver will help with the bags."

She only nods faintly in response as he leads her towards the doors of his office and out of my view. As he closes the doors behind both of them, I slide back into the chair I was sitting in earlier to await my fate.


"If you're going to fire me, can you do that now?" I tap the toe of one of my nude heels against the polished marble floor. I haven't moved at all since he came back into the office and sat behind his desk. He'd been gone for close to twenty minutes, which felt longer than an eternity to me. "I don't like playing games."

My admission pulls a faint smile over his full lips. "You don't like playing games? Do I strike you as the type of man who engages in games, Isla?"

It's a loaded question. Judging by the fact that the building we're sitting in has his surname blazoned across the front of it, I'd guess that Gabriel Foster has played more than his fair share of corporate games to gain the upper hand in the cutthroat world of fashion. His company's designs are featured on the world's most prominent runways.

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Fosters of New York Romance