Page 10 of Exposed (Exposed 1)

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"I will." He pushes his body closer to mine and I can feel the outline of his cock. It's large. It's hard. It's all I want. "If not tonight, soon."

I shiver as I try to push myself further away from him. The resistance of the door is forcing my body further into his. "No," I repeat. "I can't."

"You can't?" I feel a small chuckle course through him. "Or you won't?"

"I can't." I say as I finally manage the strength to twist the doorknob in my hand. I stumble backwards as the door swings open. "I can't."

"Sadie." He reaches out to grab me as I almost tumble off my heels. "Stop. Wait."

"I'm not like all of them." My throat tightens as I speak. "I don't do that."

"Sadie." His voice is softer now. I know he wants me to look at him. I can't. I won't.

"I don't. Go find someone else," I say quietly as I pull free of his hand and slam the door.

Chapter 8

"Tell me you're fucking kidding me." Alexa pops a piece of orange into her mouth.

"Don't swear." I wave my index finger in the air across the dining room table. "Maria hates swearing."

"Newsflash, Maria," she screams in the direction of the kitchen. "Sadie is an adult now."

"Shut up." I bark back at her. "Maria is an angel. Don't tease her like that."

"Whatever." She picks up a strawberry and dips it in the yogurt cup on her plate before she eats it. "You're saying that Hunter Reynolds wants to do you?"

"I guess?" I shrug my shoulders.

"You guess?" She waves her fork in the air. "There is no guessing, Sadie. Did the man say he wants to fuck you or not?"

"He said he wants me in his bed," I say slowly wanting to repeat what Hunter said word-for-word.

"Holy shit," she play

fully fans herself. "He's so hot and he wants you. When are you going to do him?"

"Never." I spit back at her. I'm slightly annoyed that she's not seeing the magnitude of what happened to me last night. Why can't she understand the emotional pain I'm in? A man, a real man finally wants me and it's more than likely that he's interested in nothing beyond me warning his bed for a night before he moves onto someone else. Besides that fact, the moment he'd get a glimpse of the enormous scar on my chest, he'd be pushing me out the door.

"What?" She's on her feet now. "Are you crazy? Men like that don't come along every day?"

I close my eyes as I work to steel my breath. "Alexa. You know I can't sleep with him." I tilt my head as I look at her lowering herself back into her chair.

"Don't say that." She reaches across the table to cradle my hand in hers. "Not all men are going to run away screaming because you have a scar, Sadie."

I smile at her attempt to reassure me. She's the only person who knows how things ended with Will and I. She held me when I cried over his rejection. She knows exactly how I feel about my scar. "I can't risk it again."

"You don't know how he'll react until he sees it."

The level of masked reassurance in her tone is matched only by the doubt in my mind. "He's gorgeous. He can have any woman he wants. He's not going to want me anymore if he sees the scar."

"I think you're selling yourself short." She presses on, "I'd give him a chance. You've got nothing to lose."

She's wrong and I want to point it out to her. I have everything to lose. I'm on track right now to fulfill my dreams. I want to honor the person whose heart is beating in my chest. I can't do that if I'm sleeping with a random guy. My heart gets too invested and I'll spend weeks crying about him when he moves on to the next girl. I won't risk that.

"Give him a chance." She covers another piece of strawberry in yogurt. "If you don't, I might," she teases.

"Speaking of you, how was Danny?" I need a change in subject and her sexual escapades last night are just what she needs to focus on to get her mind off Hunter and me.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Exposed Erotic