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"That's different. I'm a lawyer. It's my job."

"You just wanted to fuck me that night." I don't know how else to put it. Our entire relationship began with a conversation about fucking each other.

"I wanted to take you into that room and never let you go." He runs his hand along my thigh. "I wanted to hide you away from the rest of the world so no one would see what I see."

"What do you see?" My breath hitches as the question leaves my lips.

"My everything. My life."

"You just say those things to get laid," I joke.

"I get up every day happy because somewhere in the world, I know you're there too." His voice cracks slightly at the admission. "I can't live without you, Jessica."

"You can," I counter. "You can live without me."

He shakes his head and pulls my body tighter into his. "If you leave me, I'm done. My heart goes with you."

"You said you don't do romantic, Nathan." I look up into his face.

"This isn't romance, Jessica." He pulls my hand to his lips and kisses my palm. "This is me, telling you, what I feel."

I stare at his lips as they touch my skin. "You're being serious?"

"Completely." He reaches down to brush his lips against mine. "I'd die for you, Jessica. I would jump in front of a subway train if it was going to hit you. I'd kill someone for hurting you. "He lowers his head and rubs his cheek against mine. "I'm not good with words. I want to be with you. However you'll have me."

"You know I'm scared of all of it." I don't have to define it. He knows. He's always known.

"I sometimes think about what my life would have been like if I knew you when I was a kid." The corners of his lips jump into a wide smile. "I never would have touched another woman. I never would have looked at anyone else. My heart would have been yours forever."

"You're romantic." I feel tears welling in the corner of my eyes. "You know that you are."

"I know that with you I have no barriers." He glides his hand over my thigh and up to my hip. "I know that I want to spend every moment I have left on this earth right here in this spot with you."

"We can't stay here forever."

"Not here, Jessica." He points to the floor. "Here." His hand grazes over my chest before resting on his own. "In my heart. In your heart."

"No pressure for anything more?" I cock a brow. "We take it slow and easy."

"You're going to marry me one day and we're going to have a baby." The words spill out so fast I have to stop to think about them.

"Nathan." I tap him on his nose. "That's not slow and easy."

"You're right." His lips glide across mine. "We'll take it however fast you want it, but you're moving in."

"Nathan." I try to sound angry but I can't. How can I when he's almost literally opening his chest so I can see what's in his heart and soul?

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. You have so much of your shit here. Clothes, shoes, gum wrappers, magazines." His fingertips brush across my cheek. "We're going to get the rest of your stuff tonight and you're living here. No arguments."

"No arguments," I agree as I pull his arms around me. "What will we do until then?"

"I can think of something." His hand lazily runs between my thighs.

"Nathan." The need is more pressing than it's ever been. If I don't do this now I may never do it.

"Jessica?" He tilts my chin up until I'm looking into his eyes. "What is it?"

"It's just that...I wanted to tell you." Shit, Jessica. It's just three words. You can do this. You feel it. You've felt it since he kissed you at the club. Okay, maybe back then that was lust, but who could blame you? Look at him, just look at his gorgeous face. He loves you. He really truly loves you.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Pulse Romance