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"Nothing," I call over the blare of a car horn. Midday traffic in Manhattan wasn't the perfect backdrop for any conversation, especially not one about the mutual lover I shared with Rebecca's boss.

"You're not sleeping with him anymore?" She tosses me an evil grin and I can't help but giggle.

"That ship has sailed." I mean the words. It's been more than a week since I walked out of Nathan's office. "I deleted his number from my phone and I haven't looked back." I have looked back. I conveniently left out the part about putting him back into my contact list. I know his number by heart. I can’t get it out of my mind.

"Are you fucking Drew?"

I stop mid-step and I'm almost bowled over by a group of tourists heading up Broadway. "What?"

"The guy that got you the interview at the restaurant." She pushes her hand towards me as if the motion will spur me on. "Are you sleeping with him?"

"I didn't realize you knew his name."

"He's hot." She stops to adjust the strap on her shoe. "I never forget a hot guy's name."

"I'm done with men." I push against her trying to help her balance. "I think you need a new strap on that."

"New shoes would be better." She winks. "So are you?"

"Am I what?" I can't follow the conversation. I'm still stuck back where she told me she knew Drew's name.

"Fucking the chef?" She enunciates every syllable, her voice a pitch louder than everyone else on the street.

I pull my hand to my mouth to stifle a loud laugh. "Scream it for the entire city to hear," I tease. "I'm not sleeping with anyone. I'm done with men."

"Famous last words." She scoops her arm through mine as she pulls me across Amsterdam Ave in search of a bistro for lunch.


"I don't even know how I got the job with zero training." I tap on Drew's chest. The two martinis I've had since we arrived at the restaurant are definitely going to my head.

"Hunter loved you." He finishes his glass of beer.

The fact that I got to meet the owner of Axel NY didn't hurt my chances at all. When I mentioned that I had met Ivy, Nathan's friend, his face lit right up. Apparently she was dating Hunter Reynold's cousin. Sometimes, even the smallest connection could make a world of difference in a city like New York.

"I can't believe they offer tuition for culinary school." I almost bounce off the bar stool into Drew's lap.

He nods as he motions to the bartender to bring another round. "That's how I got my training. I worked at another restaurant Hunter's family owns and they paid for everything."

"I'm so excited." I empty the martini sitting in front of me in one small sip.

"It's going to be so fun working together." He laughs as he pulls some bills from his wallet to hand to the bartender. "I think after this round I need to get you home."

"The night is still young." This is the first time in weeks that I've felt happy. I'd start my new job at the restaurant next month, which meant I could quit working for Cassandra right away. I'd finally stop feeling awash with guilt every day I went to her apartment.

"Are you seeing anyone?" The question feels misplaced. This wasn't supposed to be a date. We agreed on the phone that Drew would take me to my interview and then we'd go for a drink afterwards if I got the job. I wasn't interested in anyone after the never-ending one night stand fiasco with Nathan.

"No. Why?" I wince after I ask. Why did I just ask him that?

"Do you want to go out sometime?"

He stares straight ahead as he asks the question.

"Are you asking me on a date?" The martini has apparently removed any filter I had. There's nothing like cutting to the chase, Jess.

"I'd like that." He traces a path across my arm with his finger. "You're a lot of fun."

I smile at the compliment. It's so simple and sweet. Just like him. "So are you."

Tags: Deborah Bladon Pulse Romance