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"I should take you to the club more often." He pulls me into the crux of his arm. I settle my head next to his chest.

"You didn't." I laugh. "I went. You followed me there."

"I didn't follow you anywhere." He grazes his lips over my cheek. "You shouldn’t go to places like that without me."

"You should answer your phone when I call." I trace a path across his chest, my fingers playfully running through the hair.

"I was in court." It's the same response every time I ask him a question about his day.

"Was it interesting?" I push for more. I want to know more. I want to know everything there is to know about his life.

"No." He doesn't offer anything beyond that.

It was time for a new approach. "Do you like being a lawyer?" Maybe if I got him to talk about something he actually took pride in, he'd want to share more.

"It's alright." Mission failed. He doesn't say anything more on that subject.

"Do you have plans for the weekend?" I'm not giving up. I'm not leaving here without at least some new tidbit of information about him tonight.

"I'm going to Boston to visit my sister and her family."

"Does she have kids?" I'm finally making headway.

"We should get you home." He kisses the top of my head before he pulls away. "It's getting late."

Chapter 12

"Let's say you were having great sex with a guy..."

"I wouldn’t be sitting here talking to you." Rebecca twirls a forkful of spaghetti in the center of her plate before she pulls it into her mouth. "This is so good, Jess."

I smile at the compliment. I'll never get tired of people telling me they like my cooking, even if one of those people is my best friend.

"Let's say after you finish your spaghetti, you were having ridiculously good sex with a guy and that's all he ever wanted to do."

"Where's the question?" She pulls more food into her mouth through a twisted smile.

"What would you do?" It's awkward. I'm not presenting it correctly but I just want her opinion.

"I'd thank my lucky stars and I'd take vitamins, lots of them."

I snicker and drop my fork onto my plate. "No. I'm not explaining this right."

"Fingers is just not that into you, is he? I mean other than the places he can stick his big dick?" She waves her fork in the air.

"Why does that bother me so much?" I cringe when the question leaves my lips. "Why do I give a fuck if all he wants to do is fuck?"

"Here's what I think." She gulps down a hearty swallow of red wine before she pulls a paper napkin across her lips. "It's like he wants you to see him exclusively but you don’t get to have all the dating and fun bits that usually come with that. All you get is the crazy hot sex."

"When you put it that way." I shrug my shoulders before I continue, "I guess it's not that bad."

"Jess. You feel used, don't you?" She winces at her own words.

"I think so." My mouth purses. "I guess I do."

"Tell him." She stands to clear both our plates from the small dining table. "Or go back to just being random fuck buddies until you do find someone who sees you as more than that."


Tags: Deborah Bladon Pulse Romance