Page 7 of Obsessed: Part 3

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"I've got one last question about Jax?" There's a definite suggestion of trepidation in his voice.

"Must you?" I joke.

"I must." He playfully nods. "In the meeting earlier he kept telling you to watch the entire video. I'm assuming you haven't?"

I raise my eyebrow in response.

"Seriously." He pushes the plate that contains the last remnants of the ribs and fries he devoured to the edge of the table. "You didn't watch the whole thing?"

"Why would I?" I bark back. "Would you want to watch someone you love having sex with another person?"

"So you do love him?" He places the white linen napkin atop the plate.

"No." I violently shake my head from side-to-side. I wonder if I'm trying to convince Nathan or myself more.

"I'm going to play devil's advocate for a minute." He breathes in heavily before he continues, "I haven't exactly been subtle about my dislike for Jax."

I smile faintly at the declaration. "True," I whisper.

"He looked like shit today." He reaches across the table and places his hand over mine. "Ivy, he's torn up inside. I could see it the minute he walked in the room."

I pull my hand back harshly. If this is some kind of bro code thing, I'm not going to listen. If Nathan knew the whole story he wouldn't be taking Jax's side. "I don't care," I blurt out.

"Think about it for a minute." There's a small pause. "Why is he asking you to watch the entire video if he knows it's going to hurt you even more?"

I shrug my shoulders. "He doesn't have a heart."

"You're wrong." He shakes his head slightly. "There's more to that video than what you saw. Whatever that was."

"I turned it off before they made love." My voice trembles. "I can't watch him with another woman. I can't."

"I get that." His deep voice is barely more than a whisper. "There's something on it he needs you to see. If you can't watch it, I'll do it for you. You owe it to yourself and to him to see the entire thing."

The moment is broken with that one simple word. Owe. "I owe him nothing." I stand and reach for my purse. "Nothing. How dare you suggest otherwise?" I feel a rush of tears. "You have no idea who he really is. What he's capable of."

"Calm down." He's on his feet now too, reaching for my arm. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"I'm not upset." I wave his hand away. "I'm tired of all of this bullshit."

"Let me take you home." He reaches into his suit jacket to pull out his wallet. "I just need to settle our bill."

"I'm fine on my own." I brush past him and I don't turn back as I head straight for the door.

Chapter 5

"Dear, have you finished packing?" Mrs. Adams asks as I open the door to my apartment.

"Almost." I motion her in. "I need to pick up a few more boxes for my clothes and then I'm all set."

"You young girls have more clothes than you know what to do with." She limps past me towards the living room. "Back in my day a lady had one skirt for Sundays and one for the rest of the week."

I smile at her remembrance of her youth. "Can I make you some tea?"

"Yes. That would be lovely." She settles onto the sofa as I walk towards the kitchen.

I stand in silence as I wait for the kettle to boil. I keep hearing Nathan's words ringing in my ears. Do I owe it to Jax to watch the entire video? I've almost thrown that flash drive into the trash so many times I've lost count. Now I'm beginning to wonder if watching it will actually be the way to get the closure that I need.

"Do you want milk or lemon?" I place a small flowered teacup and saucer in Mrs. Adams trembling hand.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Romance