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I barely hear the words as my mind quiets and the gentle hum of sleep overtakes me.


"Do you remember anything from last night?" His lips are almost touching mine.

I lazily open my eyes to see his face. His head is resting gently on the pillow next to me. His hair pushed into a matted mess. How can he look this gorgeous after sleeping? "Your girlfriend was chasing us." I push my bottom lip out. "Her name is Minnie or Donald, something like that."

He pushes his tongue into his top lip to hold back a grin. "She's not my girlfriend and her name is Mickey."

"Right." I dip my chin in his direction. "She's your girlfriend."

"I've fucked her once or twice months ago."

"You can't remember how many times?" I pull the sheet around me.

"Honestly, no, I can't remember how many times or even what it was like." He shrugs. "We were just going to have some fun at the club with a few of her friends."

"She's territorial." It's a polite way of saying she's certifiably nuts.

"She's bat shit crazy." A wide grin takes over his mouth. "I deleted her number from my phone. I need to stay as far away from her as I can."

I reach up to run my hand over my forehead. "When can I take the bandage off?"

"I'll check on it shortly." He moves closer, the smooth skin of his chest resting against my breasts. "Tell me how you're feeling."

"My head hurts." I close my eyes, finding instant relief from the pain. "Will the headaches last long?"

"I'll get you something for that." He pulls back, swinging is long legs over the edge of the bed.

I watch in silence as he stands. His nude body is on display. He doesn’t try to shield anything as he leaves the room. I close my eyes until I hear his footsteps near the doorway again.

I don’t argue as he helps me sit up. I take the two pills he hands me without question, washing them down with a long swallow from a chilled bottle of water.

"That will help." He pushes gently on my shoulders. "Rest your head."

I give in to the desire to sink back into the comfort of his bed. "Do you walk around in the nude often?"

"That's a strange question." He tips the bottle of water in my direction before taking a hearty mouthful. "Do you?"

"Noah does," I offer.

"You've seen Noah naked?" He cocks a brow.

"No." I shake my head before I realize the movement isn't helping matters. I feel as though my brain is jumbled. The pain is constant, throbbing and clouding my clear thoughts. "Alexa used to talk about it when they first got together."

He rounds the bed, sliding his tall frame back under the covers. "He wore clothes when I knew him." The meaning behind the words isn't lost on me. He doesn’t feel that he knows Noah anymore. I feel a sense of sadness for both of them.

"When's the last time you saw him?" I don't expect an answer to the question. I don't even know why I asked it.

"I can't remember." He glides his body closer to mine. "It's been many years."

"Do you miss him?" I ask, trying desperately to keep my eyes open.

His lips brush over the tip of my nose. "Sleep, Kayla."

I nod. I can't refuse the request. My body won't let me.

Chapter 9

Tags: Deborah Bladon Ruin Romance