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“Boss?” Sheryl calls from outside my office. “You have your first official visitor.”

I smooth my hands over the dark green dress I’m wearing. It’s one of Kate’s. She insisted I wear it on my first day.

“I’m nervous,” I say quietly. “Who is it?”

She glances down at a pad of paper in her hand. “Phoebe Costa.”

I look back over my shoulder at the late afternoon view from my large office window. I’m on the top floor of the building. Al

l of Manhattan is spread before me including the iconic view of the Empire State Building. I’ve spent hours at that window while I was unpacking, wondering what Alexander was doing and who he was with.

I’ve tortured myself by imagining what his new lover looks like and whether he played the cello for her.

“She said it’s personal,” Sheryl clarifies. “Should I let her in or ask her to leave a message?”

“I’ll see her.” I move to stand next to my desk. “Can you bring her in now?”

She disappears out of view.

I suck in a deep breath. I wasn’t expecting this.

It’s been almost two weeks since Alexander ended our relationship. I stare at each face that passes me by when I’m walking down the street. I study the people on the subway, wondering if any of them know him.

“Olivia,” Phoebe says my name excitedly as she steps into my office. “I hope it’s okay that I showed up without an appointment. I asked about you at the reception desk in the lobby. I wanted to know how to reach you and they directed me up here.”

“It’s nice to see you.” I beckon her in with my hand. “Do you want anything? Sheryl can get us some tea or coffee.”

She glances back at Sheryl with a smile on her face. “I’m fine. Thank you for telling her I wanted to talk to her.”

Sheryl backs away, waiting to close the door as Phoebe takes a seat in front of my desk.

I follow her lead and sit behind it.

“You’re not in London.”

I stare at her in silence. I hadn’t thought about London since I turned Gabriel down when he offered me the position there. I told him I couldn’t. I was honest in my reasoning.

I explained that as honored as I was that he saw me as the best candidate for the job, my life had changed since I applied for it.

I laid out a case about my value to the company and my contributions to its growth here in Manhattan.

I didn’t mention Alexander, even though he factored into my decision. I had no idea where his future would take him, but I knew that mine couldn’t take me away from him.

Gabriel understood and a moment after I turned him down for the job in London, he offered me the same job here.

It had just opened up a few days before. Fate stepped in and handed me everything I ever wanted. It only lasted for a few hours before Alexander left me.

“Alex told me you moved to London.” She crosses her legs. “Why would he tell me that?”

I narrow my eyes. “I was offered a job there, but I didn’t accept it. I couldn’t accept it.”

“Because of my brother?” Her eyes light up. “You love him, don’t you?”

I see no reason to lie. “I do.”

“He loves you too.” She scrubs her hand over her forehead. “He’s been walking around in a daze since you two broke up. It’s none of my business, Olivia, but you belong together.”

I don’t know what he’s told her about us, but I feel the need to clarify something, so she’s not under the mistaken impression that his daze is caused by me. “He’s interested in someone else, Phoebe.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic