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I haven’t discussed my final performance with her. I assumed she’d be by my side that night as I close one chapter of my life and open another.

I reach to take her hand in mind. “There’s a seat reserved just for you. I need you there, Olivia. I want you there.”

A smile blooms on her full lips. “Of course, I’ll be there, Alexander.”

“Are you going to kiss now?” Alvin asks with a chuckle. “If you are, tell me so that I can cover my eyes.”

I playfully swat him on the shoulder with my hand. “We’ll save the kissing for after we drop you off. Are you ready to go home?”

He moves the linen napkin from his lap onto the table. “I need to ask Olivia something first.”

Olivia’s brows perk as she turns in her chair, so she’s facing him directly. “Ask away.”

His hand scrubs over his forehead. “It’s embarrassing.”

“You can ask me anything. I promise I’ll answer as truthfully as I can.” Her tone is soft and comforting.

His eyes drop to his lap. “What kind of flowers do girls like?”

Olivia’s gaze catches mine. She lifts a brow as her lips curve into a grin. “We like all flowers.”

“There’s a girl at school.” Alvin scratches his chin. “Some kids in my homeroom aren’t nice to her. They tease her.”

“They’re bullies,” I pipe up.

He nods. “I don’t like it. I want to help. Would flowers make her smile?”

He looks to Olivia to answer the question.

She does with grace. “They’d make her smile. They’d help her to see that she’s not alone.”

“She’s not,” he says defiantly. “I tell the teacher when I see her being picked on. Me and my friend, Chase, tell the kids who bug her to stop.”

“You’re a good friend to her.” Olivia squeezes his shoulder.

“She’s not my girlfriend.” Both of Alvin’s hands wave in the air. “I never said she was my girlfriend.”

“Slow down.” I chuckle. “Boys and girls can be friends, Alvin. No one said anything about her being your girlfriend.”

“She’s his girlfriend,” Olivia mouths to me.

I nod before I look over at my nephew. “Do you know where she lives?”

“Two blocks from my house.” Alvin holds up two fingers.

“Olivia will pick out some nice flowers at that shop your mom likes and we’ll go deliver them to your friend.” I reach for my wallet. “I’ll pay the bill here and we can head there.”

“We’ll do it today?” Alvin shoots me a look of confusion.

“Today is the perfect day to put a smile on her face.” Olivia pushes back from the table. “The flowers will put a smile in her heart too.”

I stop and stare at her.

She wore a Yankee T-shirt and jeans because she knew it would put a smile on Alvin’s face. She let him order her lunch and now she’s giving him the courage to do the right thing.

If I had any doubt about what I feel for her, it’s been erased inside this restaurant.

I’m in love with Olivia Hull. I’m the luckiest man on the planet.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic