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I tap one finger against her knee. “First things first, he’s not my boyfriend.”

“He is, but whatever.” She rolls her eyes.

“Secondly, I don’t expect him always to be free to see me.”

“You do, but keep telling yourself that, Liv.”

I drop my head back and laugh. “I do not.”

“If you could have seen your face when he texted you to say he was busy tonight, you’d understand where I’m coming from.” She tugs both corners of her lips down with her fingers. “Super sad face alert.”

“I don’t even know why I’m still awake.” I look down at my watch. “I was up all night because of work.”

“Work?” That lures her attention away from my television. “What kind of lingerie emergency happens in the middle of the night?”

“Asks the woman who slipped on a bra she left on the floor and cut open her top lip.” I point at her mouth. “I vaguely remember sitting in the waiting room of the ER in the middle of the night while someone got stitched up.”

“Point taken.” She bows her head.

“I’m going to kick you out soon so I can sleep.” I stretch my legs. “I might even pass out on this couch since I already have my pajamas on.”

“Fine.” She slides to her feet. “I’m taking the popcorn and my soda.”

I curl under the blanket. “Lock the door on your way out.”

“Dream about your boyfriend.”

He might not be at the moment, but I want Alexander to be my boyfriend. I just don’t know if he wants me to be his girlfriend.

Chapter 41


I mess up Alvin’s hair. “You’re close, Alvin. You’re so close.”

He looks up at me with a beaming smile. “Do you think I’ll be ready before mom’s birthday?”

“You’re ready now,” I assure him. “Let’s run through it one more time and then we’ll take a lunch break.”

He turns his attention back to the piano. His fingers drift over the keys, playing the song that is going to bring my sister to tears.

We’ve put in a lot of time and effort to get to this point.

I’d factor sacrifice in too.

Last night I gave up time with Olivia when Alvin requested an extra lesson. He sent me a text message after school asking if he could sleep over at my place.

It was a first. I rushed out to buy every sugary cereal I could find.

I stocked up on potato chips and candy and after we left the rehearsal hall, he fell asleep in the Uber on the way to my apartment.

This morning he wanted fruit, so I ordered it from room service.

He stops mid-song to scratch his head. “Hey, Uncle.”

I grab hold of the corner of the piano to steady myself. The rush of emotions that washes over me is almost too much.

“What’s up?” I manage to get out without my voice cracking.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic