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Chapter 31



I rub my hand over the tea stain on my red skirt. Sheryl assured me that it wasn’t noticeable, but it looks like a beacon of my incompetence to me.

I’ve always told myself to bring an extra set of clothes to the office, but I never followed through.

I drum my fingers against my forehead to try and cement the idea into my memory, so I’m never caught in this situation again.

I’m on my way up to Cathleen’s office.

Thanks to Kate, I got to work early today. No thanks to myself, the Earl Grey tea I picked up on my way to the office, spilled on my jacket and skirt on the subway. The only thing spared was my black blouse.

I cursed aloud which drew a few disappointed glances from the commuters sitting near me.

I silently apologized with a mouthed, “I’m sorry,” and a shrug.

The stain on my skirt wouldn’t have bothered me except now I’m going into a meeting that could decide my fate with Liore Lingerie.

I know Cathleen wants to discuss the position in London. Sheryl’s secret informant in HR tipped her off.

The elevator doors open with a swoosh and I take a step off.

I’m always hit with a jolt of nervous energy when I take the trip up here. This is where the people who make the monumental decisions spend their time.

I know I’m good at my job and I help my division run smoothly, but it’s not enough.

I want to take on a more challenging role in the organization and the job in London fits the bill.

“Olivia,” Cathleen calls out to me. “You’re right on time.”

It’s a habit I’ll never break.

My mom taught me that the best way to show someone you respect his or her time is to show up when you promise.

I take pride in how punctual I am.

“Cathleen.” I rest my hand on my stomach as I approach her.

I’m trying a diversion tactic. Maybe she’ll notice the large gold ring on my finger instead of the stain on my skirt.

Costume jewelry is my favorite, especially when it serves a dual purpose.

In this case, it’s an epic fail.

Her gaze hones in on the middle of my skirt, right where the stain is.

I resist the urge to explain it away. I’ll take the ignore and rise above approach. If I dazzle her with my sparkling personality and vast knowledge about the company, maybe she’ll forget that I’m clumsy.

She looks elegant in the black skirted suit she’s wearing. The black dress shirt underneath complements the serious look she’s going for.

Silver jewelry is the polishing touch.

“We’re going to spend a few minutes with Gabriel.” She rests a hand on my shoulder.


Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic