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Her gaze drops to the black lace dress she’s wearing. “I’m not ready to bail yet. We put on our Sunday best for this thing. I say we head back out there, drink another glass of champagne and mingle.”

It’s the last thing I want to d


I had a long day at work. I intended to leave early so I’d have extra time to prepare for tonight, but a last minute emergency at the boutique on Fifth Avenue kept me there until almost six o’clock which meant I had to rush home, shower and get myself together so we could be here by seven.

It’s not uncommon for there to be an issue on a Friday afternoon but this one was catastrophic. The inventory for our one-day-only sale tomorrow hadn’t shown up by three p.m.

I spent the next two-and-a-half hours on the phone tracking it down. It’ll be delivered just after midnight. That means Steph and her employees have to pull an all-nighter to get everything set up before the store opens at nine a.m. sharp.

There’s a gnawing pang of guilt inside of me that keeps telling me to get my ass down there to help.

Any other night I would have, but I wanted to be here tonight. I was excited to watch Alexander lead the orchestra and he did it with graceful precision.

I was in awe as I watched the movement of his hands, his arms and his entire body as the musicians kept their eyes pinned to him.

I could feel the music enveloping me, flowing through me. Kate was just as captivated as I was. Even my cousin, Trey, was mesmerized by the performance, as were Buck and his ex-wife.

“Stop thinking about Alexander and that woman.” Kate playfully pinches my bicep. “He’s bound to attract a lot of attention tonight.”

I know that she’s right. This is his opening night. The sheer volume of the applause when he was introduced was deafening.

I’d never heard of Alexander Donato before he walked into the boutique, but apparently, a lot of people know exactly who he is.

“Let’s go find Trey,” I suggest as I adjust the front of my dress. “I haven’t had a chance to talk to him tonight.”

“As long as I have a glass of champagne in my hand, I’ll talk to whoever you want me to.”

I link arms with her as we start toward the door.

I may never experience another evening like this, so I need to embrace every minute of it, even if I don’t see Alexander before the night is over.


I spot Trey as soon as we exit the washroom. He’s standing next to a blonde haired woman in a black dress. She has a breathtaking strand of pearls around her neck.

My cousin may have arrived alone to the performance, but something tells me he won’t be leaving by himself.

“Livi, come here,” Trey calls out, motioning me over. “There’s someone you need to meet.”

I glance across the lobby to where Alexander was standing with the woman in the red dress, but he’s not there anymore.

Maybe what I mistook for anger was a prelude to passion and they’ve already left.

“You visit with Trey,” Kate says as she motions toward the right. “I’m going to hunt down another glass of champagne.”

“I’ll catch up with you in a few minutes?”

Her eyes search my face. “Take your time and enjoy yourself. Find me when you can.”

I nod and continue making my way toward Trey and the blonde woman, weaving around people as they move past me.

“This is my cousin Olivia.” The words are out of Trey’s mouth before I’m in front of him. “Olivia, this is Phoebe Costa.”

I take the woman’s left hand in mine when she offers it. My eyes hone in on the simple gold band on her ring finger.

Trey has always been protective of me, but that works both ways. I subtly point out what I just noticed. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Costa.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic