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“You ready to head home?” I ask as I pick up the team jacket, pennants and ball that Buck handed us when he brought us to our seats after the meet and greet.

Alvin has been wearing the autographed jersey since Trey presented it to him under a barrage of camera flashes.

Phoebe was fine with Alvin’s face being plastered all over

social media and television. She signed the release form Buck forwarded to me without question.

I only wish I could have brought her along to witness this.

I look out at the emptying stadium and the star-dotted sky.

Life is good. It’s so damn good right now.

“I want to stay here forever.” Alvin’s hand reaches for mine. “I’ve never been to a game before. Do you think we can come back sometime?”

I look down at the sight of his small hand in mine. “You bet. I can’t promise the same treatment next time, but we’ll…”

“I can.”

Alvin’s head snaps back at the sound of Trey Hale’s voice behind us.

I turn to see him, still dressed in his uniform, standing next to Buck.

“Trey.” Alvin rushes toward him but stops a foot short of him. “Good job out there tonight.”

Trey’s expression softens as he tugs the ball cap from his head and places it on Alvin’s. “We’ll do even better next game.”

Alvin’s fingers skim the brim of the cap. “I’ll be watching with my mom at home. She’s a big fan too, but she doesn’t know all the stats the way I do.”

“Those two seats are empty for tomorrow night’s game.” Buck motions to the seats Alvin and I occupied. “You think your mom would want to bring you back to watch Trey win?”

“Hey now.” Trey elbows him. “Let’s rephrase that. Do you think your mom could bring you tomorrow to watch us play our hearts out?”

Alvin scratches his cheek as he turns to look at me. “What do you think, Alex? If mom can’t bring me, will you?”

“Your mom will make the time,” I say without any doubt in my voice. I know my sister. She’ll jump at the chance to sit next to her son tomorrow night. “We’ll tell her about it as soon as we get to your place.”

“I’ll have two passes waiting for them at the box office,” Buck says before looking down at my nephew. “Do you need another soda to take with you for the ride home? Maybe a candy bar?”

“Yes, please.” Alvin’s voice vibrates with excitement.

“Let’s go pick something from the concession stand before they close it up for the night.” Buck glances at me. “There’s a car waiting to take you back to Queens.”

“Thanks, Buck.” I smile when I spot the look of pure contentment on Alvin’s face. “I’ll be right there, Alvin.”

“I’m not in a hurry.” He turns his attention to Trey. “Maybe I’ll see you around?”

“You know it.” Trey pats his shoulder before Alvin takes off on Buck’s heel.

I move toward Trey with my hand outstretched. “I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done. As you can see, you’ve not only made Alvin’s night, you’ve made his life.”

He lets out a laugh as he gives my hand a firm shake. “I was his age once. I loved the game too. I know what it means to sit in these stands.”

What he’s given to Alvin can’t be measured on any scale. We both know it. I don’t need to explain that to him. “I’ll have to thank Olivia again for her part in this.”

“You know about that?” Trey crosses his arms over his chest. “Did Buck fuck up and let it slip?”

I chuckle with a shake of my head. “He only gave me a clue. He said it was a female relative. I pieced the rest together myself.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic