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I think I already know the answer to that question.

Trey sent me a text early this morning telling me that Buck had met with Alexander yesterday to give him the good news about the jersey and the tickets to a game.

I replied that I was glad and I asked Trey if Buck kept my name out of it.

Trey assured me that he had.

I trust Trey, but I don’t know Buck. Maybe he let something slip to Alexander about me.

“He asked if I was related to Trey Hale.” She shoots me an amused look. “He asked Liza too. Thankfully, she has no idea that you’re Trey’s cousin.”

I breathe a heavy sigh of relief. “Thank you for not saying anything.”

“When you first told me that he was your cousin, I promised you that I’d keep that information to myself.” She raises her hand in the air as if she’s taking a vow. “I don’t break promises, Olivia.”

“So he left the store after that?”

Her hand curls around her smoothie cup. “He tried to, but Liza was determined to flirt with him.”

I can’t hide my smile. “She’s crushing hard on him.”

“He wasn’t feeling it.” She grins at me. “He asked about you before he left.”

The knot in my stomach morphs into an annoying flutter in my chest. I try to chase it away with a cough, but it does little good.

“He wanted to know how he could reach you,” she goes on, “I asked if there was a message that I could relay to you and he said he’d deliver it himself.”

“Himself?” I blurt out. “Did you tell him where he could find me?”

She shakes her head. “No, but all he would need to do is look at the Liore corporate website. Your bio page has your office phone number on it and the address of this building.”

She’s right.

If Alexander is determined to talk to me, he’ll have no trouble finding me.


“This is the guy who waltzed into Liore last week with a pair of panties in his hand?” Kate hands my phone back to me. “He’s super hot, Olivia.”

“No.” I shake my head. “He’s not that hot.”

“Get your eyes checked.”

“He called my office today when I was in a meeting.” I sigh as I exit Alexander’s website and drop my phone back into my oversized black leather tote. “He left a message with Sheryl.”

“Oh, poor you.” She smirks. “You returned his call, didn’t you?”

By the time my assistant, Sheryl, gave me the message it was almost six o’clock. I promised Kate that I’d be at her store at six, so I left my office with the intention of calling Alexander back tomorrow.

“I didn’t have time.”

She glances at the silver watch on her wrist. “According to this, you have all the time in the world.”

I playfully pat her hand. “I’ll call him when I get to my office in the morning. I thought we were going for pizza.”

In one swift movement, she’s clutching my hand in hers. “You’re interested in him, aren’t you?”

I almost laugh. “Who?”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic