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“What will you do? Where will you go?”

I glance down the corridor to my darkened office. “We’ll negotiate my severance. I’m taking some clients with me.”

“We’re family, Linny. Family doesn’t abandon family.” His shoulders shake. “Let’s talk about this tomorrow after we’ve both had a good night’s rest.”

“I’m not abandoning anyone. I’m leaving so I can salvage this.” I circle my hand in the air between us. “If I stay I’ll resent you more. I can’t, dad. I have to go.”

“I won’t accept your resignation.” He widens his stance. “I won’t.”

“Fire me then.” I hold my hands over my heart. “I’ve been in a relationship with Jeremy Weston since we signed the Rizon Vodka contract.”

Shock slides over his expression. “What?”

“I’m involved with Jeremy.”

“You kept that from me?”

I hold up my hand in the air between us. “Don’t go there. You have no right to go there.”

He nods in surrender. “How serious is this thing between you two?”

I swallow hard, tears of joy replacing those of sorrow. “I love him.”

“You love him?” he repeats back. “How does he feel about you?”

I start toward my office so I can grab my purse and go find West. “I’m about to find out.”

Chapter 48


I stand in the rain in front of the building that houses the Faye & Sons’ offices. With thunder rolling over Manhattan, people rush for shelter.

I don’t.

It doesn’t scare me anymore. I don’t need my dad’s reassurance that it won’t harm me.

I can take care of myself.

I’ll find a job with another advertising firm, or I’ll start my own.

I’ll land on my feet because I have to.

Waving my hand in the air at an approaching taxi, I step back so I won’t get splashed as he drives directly into a puddle next to the curb when the car comes to a stop.

I open the back door and slide in. “Central Park West and Seventy-Eighth.”

Since I don’t know where West lives, I’m heading to the place where I feel closest to him.

It’s the hotel where we took a bath together, made love and where I started to fall in love with the man.

As the driver pulls away from the curb, I look up at the building where I’ve spent so much of my life.

I thought all of my dreams would come true in there.

My dreams have changed. I’ve changed and what I want most can’t be found in an office or behind a desk.

I want a life with Jeremy.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic