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It was during one of those dinners a few weeks ago that Harmony met Roland. They kept in touch, she mentioned me to him, and this afternoon she texted me to see if I was free for dinner.

I know she arranged it because she felt sorry for me after our brunch earlier. I told her as much in my text reply, but she responded almost instantly that he was the one who reached out to her today to see if I was available.

I didn’t believe her but since I had nothing on my agenda, and I love the food here at Nova, I told her I’d meet him after I did a quick search for him online.

His bio picture on the New York University website doesn’t do him justice. His black hair is mussed from the wind outside. His green eyes are a shade darker than mine. He’s dressed in a navy blue suit with a white shirt and purple tie.

We both lean back when the server approaches to remove our dessert plates. “Can I get either of you an after dinner drink?”

I look to Roland for guidance. I’m not about to invite him back to my place, and if he offers up the promise of a nightcap at his townhouse, I’ll turn him down. Our date will be over if we decline the drink offer.

“I’ll have a brandy.” Roland smiles at me. “How about you?”

I look around the crowded restaurant. I like the ambiance and since I’m enjoying myself, I nod. “I’ll have the same.”

He waits until the server leaves before he clears his throat. “I realize that our first date hasn’t officially ended yet, but I’m about to ask you for a second.”

My gaze drifts over his shoulder. I catch sight of two men sitting at a table across the restaurant. The man facing me is attractive but it’s the man who has his back to me that grabs my attention.

He’s wearing a suit jacket that’s the same shade of gray as the one West had on when we met on the airplane. He also has the same hair color as West. A lot of men in this city do. I’ve taken notice since I got back from Vegas.

“I can wait to ask until you’ve had a day or two to decide if you’re interested.” Roland chuckles. “Obviously, I’m interested in you.”

I should be interested in him too. He’s a nice guy with no apparent baggage. That’s a rarity in this city, but for some reason, I’m not feeling any butterflies in my stomach at the prospect of another date.

“Roland?” A man’s voice draws my attention to the right. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Roland pushes back from the table and is on his feet in an instant. Before he can say anything, he’s being tugged into the arms of a tall man wearing a chef’s jacket.

They exchange a friendly hug. When they step apart, Roland smiles at the chef. “Tyler. Damn, man, it’s been forever.”

Tyler? As in Chef Tyler Monroe?

I’m not a foodie, but I know enough about the Manhattan restaurant scene to realize that Tyler Monroe is a wizard in the kitchen. He’s one of the most celebrated chefs in this city.

“It’s been at least two years, Roland.” Tyler’s gaze falls to where I’m still seated. He extends his hand. “I’m sorry. I’m normally not this rude. I’m Tyler.”

“You’re not rude,” I say, sliding to my feet and taking his hand in mine. “I’m Linny.”

“Are you two…” Tyler’s words trail as he shoots Roland a look.

“This is our first date.” Roland pats Tyler’s shoulder. “I brought her here to impress her.”

I smile at that. “It worked. The food is incredible.”

Tyler’s brows shoot up. “I would have prepared something special off menu if I knew Roland was having dinner with a woman with such good taste in food and…”

“Men?” Roland interrupts.

“Wine.” Tyler points at the empty bottle of merlot on the table. “You must have a discerning palate, Linny. From what I remember, cheap beer was Roland’s drink of choice.”

I laugh at the obvious jab.

“If that was supposed to be an insult, I’m not going to complain.” Roland’s voice lowers. “Say whatever the hell you want about me if it brings a smile to Linny’s beautiful face.”

I may agree to that second date after all.

“I was on my way to say hello to one of my suppliers.” Tyler motions to the table where the two men I noticed earlier are sitting. “My work is never done.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic