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“I’m Bridget Grant.” The blonde is next to me. “Is there something I can help you with?”

I look over her head to where the man is still standing in front of the watercolor painting. “I can wait if you’re busy.”

“He’s considering his options.” She smiles softly. “Is there a particular sculpture that you’re interested in?”

I turn my back to the pieces of art and face her directly, so there’s no misinterpretation. “I’m not here for the sculptures. I’m looking for Piper Ellis.”

She looks over at her customer before she turns her attention back to me. “Piper’s classes begin the week after next. There’s a signup form on our website or I can take care of the registration for you now.”

The older guy starts his approach toward us so I finish up our conversation. “Thanks for your time. I’ll check out the website.”

It’s a lie. Piper may be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, but I’m not about to enroll in an art class just to get laid. I’ll find another way to connect with the stunning brunette.

Chapter 7


I look at my new watch. I’ve been here for a little more than two hours, but it feels like twelve. I’ve only ever had to do this twice before and both of those times, I had a professor next to me to guide me through the process.

I’m on my own this time. I’m the one teaching the art class, so it’s up to me to prepare everything associated with it.

That includes finding nude models.

You’d think the interview process would be fun.

It’s not.

I’ve seen more pictures of naked cocks and breasts this evening than I care to remember.

Right now, I’m trying not to make eye contact with a man who is hotter than most nude models I’ve ever come across. That’s not surprising since his most recent day job consists of modeling for a newly launched underwear line.

“I’ll need you for three hours two evenings a week, Rufus.” I look over his impressive portfolio on the tablet in front of me. He emailed me the link after the resource center at a local art school sent me his details.

They had a list of models that had posed for classes in the past. I need a model. It was Bridget who suggested I contact them since she has found a few portrait models through them.

“Does the pay I quoted in the email work for you?” I finally look up at his face.

“It works.” He flashes me a killer smile.

“I have a standard contract for you to look over and if you’re comfortable with it, we can start next Monday.”

“Monday works and I’ll sign anything you need me to. I’m saving for a vacation in Hawaii.”

I instantly picture a nude beach with dozens of muscular blue-eyed, blond-haired men that look like him playing volleyball.

“You’re free to go,” I say with a grin.

“Cool.” He stands and extends a hand toward me. “It was good to meet you, Piper. I think we’ll work well together.”

I shake his hand. Since he’ll be frozen in place while I’m guiding my students on the finer points of drawing the human form, he’s probably right. We will work well together if he can stay still and not flirt with every woman in the class.

“So, I’ll catch you on Monday?” he asks as he shoulders the navy blue backpack he brought with him. “You’ll email me the contract before then?”

“Monday it is and I’ll email the contract to you tomorrow.”

“I’m stoked.” He looks around the almost empty room that I’ll transform into a studio for students. “I think we’re going to make magic in here.”

That’s wishful thinking. All I’m hoping for is that a group of people will show up with a passion for art that runs as deep as mine.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic