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Forever isn’t long enough for the two of us.


6 Months Later


“Both of my evening classes are full.” I point at the calendar that Bridget printed out. “I don’t see why I can’t take over your Saturday spot.”

She rubs her growing belly. “Tamara doesn’t arrive for another two months so that’s going to work out perfectly. I’ll finish up my class, and you can launch another human form class in that spot if you want.”

Of course I want to.

Teaching has become my lifeblood, next to loving Griffin.

The showcase in Boston was a huge success. I was offered an artist in resident placement in Italy, but the thought of leaving the gallery and my students behind didn’t exc

ite me.

A year ago I would have jumped at the chance to study abroad, but my priorities have changed.

I belong here at Grant Gallery, guiding people to hone their love of art.

My work with Beck on creating a show of Rory’s pieces for a museum in Los Angeles has become a focus for me too. It’s a labor of love for Griffin, his mom Val, and me.

His brother has checked in on it a time or two, but his pain over Rory’s death is still too much.

It’s been eight years, but grief is a personal journey and one that Draven is still trying to navigate.

“You should get home.” Bridget shoves my purse toward me. “I don’t need you here right now.”

She’s rarely in during the afternoons, but she dropped in today to discuss her maternity leave. I’ll be taking over the day-to-day operations of the gallery while she takes a few months off.

I doubt like hell that she’ll be out that long. She loves this place as much as I do and her baby daughter already has a crib set up in the office for her future visits.

“I don’t clock out for another hour.” I point at my watch. “Why don’t you go home and see the boys and Dane?”

“They’re going to a movie.” She shrugs. “I’ll stick around. You take off.”

I don’t argue. Griffin is working from home today. I kissed him goodbye before I came to the gallery earlier. He was in the middle of a conference call, but he still made time to tell me he loves me.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“You know it.” A wide smile crosses her lips. “Have a good night, Piper.”

“I will.”

She nods briskly. “Oh, I know you will.”


I turn my key in the lock of the apartment that I share with Griffin. It was his apartment, but it’s ours now.

I sublet my place to a woman who just moved to New York from New Mexico. She’s starry-eyed and eager to take Manhattan by storm. When I introduced her to Jo, they hit it off immediately.

When I saw Jo at the diner yesterday, she told me her new neighbor has already found the man of her dreams.

I push on the heavy wooden door and step into the foyer.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic