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I stare at my still full wine glass. I ordered a red wine once Rufus and I sat down after arriving at this bar down the street from the gallery. His friend is running late, but he’s not the man I’m anxious to see.

Griffin never made it to class and even though I’ve sent him two text messages since we arrived here, I haven’t heard anything from him.

I try to shake off the sense of impending doom in my stomach. I didn’t think he was the type of man to take a woman to bed only to ghost on her the next day. I want there to be a logical explanation for why he didn’t show up tonight. I need there to be because I’m starting to develop feelings for him.

“Cameron!” Rufus jumps to his feet when a man who resembles him walks through the door. “Over here, man.”

I smile even though anxiety is buzzing through my veins. I have to shake off Griffin’s absence so I can secure a new model for class.

“This is Piper.” Rufus taps me on the shoulder. “She’s the artist I’ve been telling you about.”

Rufus’s friend approaches quickly with his a leather portfolio tucked under his arm. He’s the same height as Rufus and from where I’m sitting his body type is identical too.

“It’s good to meet you.” He stretches out his hand toward me. “Rufus has told me a lot about you. I’ve seen your portraits online. I’m in awe of the work you’re doing.”

It’s a compliment that I don’t put a whole lot of weight in. He’s looking for a job.

I shake his hand quickly, motioning for him to sit across from me. He does. Rufus takes the seat next to me sliding his bottle of beer across the table until it’s in front of him. “Did Rufus bring you up to speed on what I’m looking for?”

It’s a diplomatic way of asking if he’s comfortable being nude in front of a group of strangers.

Cameron opens the portfolio in his hand and slides out several black and white pictures.

“These are some of my most recent nude shots.” He pushes them toward me. “I did a shoot with a photographer a couple of months ago. These were for his show

in Los Angeles.”

I glance down at them. The shots themselves are gorgeous. The lighting that was used adds a distinctive touch to the images. He’s perfect. I look up at him. “These are beautiful.”

He gives me a bright smile. “I’m available on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Rufus told me the schedule. The pay is more than generous and I can start on Monday.”

He’s covered everything I was about to say. “I’ll need your contact information so I can send you a copy of the contract I have the models sign. If you’re good with the details of that, we’ll hit the ground running on Monday night.”

Rufus motions for a server standing next to the bar. “I’ll grab you a beer so we can celebrate, Cameron. They guy who got me the London job was supposed to be here too, but he bailed on class tonight.” He turns his attention to me. “I’ll need his number from you, Piper. I want to send him a text to thank him.”

I almost tell him not to hold his breath waiting for a reply as I scan my phone’s screen to see that nothing has arrived from Griffin yet.

I push past the sudden knot in my stomach to paste a smile on my face. Worrying about what’s going on with Griffin won’t propel my life forward. I have to stay focused on my career. It’s the only thing I can count on.

Chapter 37


I’ve never considered myself the type of woman to chase a man down, but that’s exactly what I’m doing right now.

Griffin finally got back to me late on Wednesday evening to apologize for skipping class. His text was cryptic and curt.

Griffin: Sorry. Something came up.

I don’t like games, so I didn’t see the value in waiting hours to respond. I typed out a message and hit send almost immediately.

Piper: I’ll give you a private lesson whenever you want. Maybe you can try drawing me nude.

I admit I was deflated when I got nothing back until yesterday afternoon.

His response wasn’t what I was expecting.

Griffin: Meet me for coffee tomorrow morning. The Roasting Point on 7th Ave at 9 a.m. We need to talk. It’s important.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic