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“Piper?” I whisper her name against her cheek.

She’s on her side in the middle of her bed, her brown hair a halo around her face. She’s flushed, and her breathing is unsteady.

“I can’t move,” she says softly without opening her eyes.

I laugh as I kiss her cheek. “Roll over, baby. Get on your back.”

She sighs and I can’t tell if it’s from the sound of my voice or my command. She acquiesces, stretching out her long limbs before she rolls over, revealing every inch of her perfect body.

I lower the cloth to her pussy, sliding it along the sensitive folds, holding it against her tender flesh.

“You’re not too tired to come again are you?” I gaze into her vibrant green eyes. Their depth is immeasurable and with the small amount of light being cast from the lamp on the bedside table, her face is captivating.

“Never.” She parts her legs even further.

I take it as an invitation and toss the washcloth on the bedside table before I crawl into place, my lips skimming over the fleshy mound before I flatten my tongue against her clit.

She’s sweet and wet.

I lick her slowly, savoring the taste and each of the small sounds she makes.

When her hands drop to my hair, I moan against her, sucking the swollen bud of nerves into my mouth.

Her lips circle, coaxing me to keep going. I do. I lick, I suck and when I slide two long fingers into her, she moans loudly, my name wrapped into the sound.

I close my eyes when I feel her tense against me and when she comes, I groan from her release, my need to have more and the feeling that after tonight, I’m never going to be the same again.


I left Piper’s place after I ate her pussy. I wanted much more. I wanted to slide my cock into her again. I wanted to shoot my load down her throat, but she fell asleep.

I couldn’t wake her a second time, so I got dressed, kissed her goodbye and on my way home on the subway, I sent her a text message telling her how much I wanted to see her again.

It might have sounded desperate or edging on pathetic but my cock was essentially driving my every move by that point.

I was still hard when I got home, but I didn’t jack off. I couldn’t. I’m saving it for Piper.

“Griffin?” Gabriel Foster walks into his office.

I turn at the sound of his voice and wave my hand. “Gabe.”

“What are you doing here?” He smiles.

I push myself to my feet. I was directed to sit after his assistant told me he was in a meeting and I’d have to wait if I wanted to talk to him.

I could have done the deed on the phone, but I haven’t seen Gabriel in months. Our friendship is solid, but it’s limited to fleeting phone calls and the occasional email now that he’s preparing for next year’s spring lines for all of his collections.

“Because I’ve missed your pretty face?” I deadpan.

He laughs. He’s a good-looking guy although I’m not a judge on how attractive another man is. He’s taller than me with dark hair and eyes.

“I’ve missed you too.” He pats me on the shoulder as he passes me on his way to the chair behind his desk.

I sit back down anxious to get this over with. I have another stop to make before I put in a full day at my office, so I need to get Rufus a place in the London fashion week show now.

“So there’s this male model named Rufus...” My voice trails when I realize I have no idea what the fuck Rufus’s surname is.

“Rufus Jones?”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic