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He leans so close that I can feel his breath against my cheek. “I don’t know what you see in him, but once you get tired of it, I’ll be waiting.”

I look into his eyes. He thinks I’m dating Rufus. He went to a lot of trouble to arrange for me to meet Sem even though he thinks I’m sleeping with another man. If I didn’t fully appreciate the gesture before, I do now. “Why did you set up tonight? Why do all of that for me?”

He brushes his lips against my cheek. It’s so soft that it’s barely more than a whispe

r of skin against skin. “You deserve to have every one of your dreams come true.”

I inch to the side so his lips are almost touching mine. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He kisses my cheek one last time before he leans back in his chair “And I won’t complain if you throw a compliment my way in class every once in a while.”

I laugh. I can’t help it. I laugh and even though I know I should tell him that Rufus is only my friend, I don’t.

I want the memory of this night to stay exactly at it is. I don’t want anything to change what I feel right now.

Chapter 26


I eye Piper up trying to telepathically ask her where the hell those compliments are that she promised me on Friday night. Class is almost over and I haven’t even received a smile from her.

That’s not exactly true. She did offer me a half-grin when I first walked in. I was late, as usual. Today it was almost eight before I slid onto the stool behind my easel. By the time I flipped open my sketchbook and looked to Brenda for advice on our nightly assignment, class was in full swing.

I put the charcoal pencil to paper and managed a few lines around his ankles. I didn’t glance in the direction of the front of the class where Rufus is because an ankle’s an ankle.

After spending an evening with Piper, I can’t stand the sight of the man who will likely go home with her tonight.

“You missed out on a good time on Saturday.” Brenda doesn’t say my name, but it’s obvious she’s talking to me. The woman sitting to her left pretended not to speak English mid-way through our first class. I know it’s a ruse meant to deter Brenda from talking to her. I just wish I had thought of it first. It’s fucking brilliant.

“I had a great time on Friday night,” I counter with a killer smile.

Brenda scratches her head. “Blonde or brunette?”

Not that it’s any of her business, but I’ve got nothing to hide. I glance at Piper. I offered to take her home on Friday, but she insisted on grabbing an Uber after we exchanged numbers. I didn’t push even though all I wanted was to crawl into her bed. “Brunette. A very beautiful brunette.”

“Lucky girl.” She tosses me a half-hearted wink. “I had a blast with Rufus on Saturday. Thanks for asking.”

I don’t give a fuck if she had the time of her life tagging along on Rufus and Piper’s date. “Good for you.”

“Piper was there too.” She motions with her pencil to the center of the room where our teacher is standing dressed in a dark green skirt and white blouse. “She knew a hell of a lot about every sketch. Don’t get me wrong. It was interesting and all, but the beers back at my place weren’t drinking themselves if you know what I mean.”

I take a moment to sketch out a foot complete with five toes. It’s not bad. “I take it the three of you took the party to your place?”

“They bailed on me.” She sighs heavily as the tip of her pencil glides along the paper before she reaches forward to smudge it with the side of her thumb. “Rufus said he had a friend in town and he wanted to take Piper to meet him. I wasn’t invited to that.”

I doubt the friend could measure up to Sem Jansen. I’ve got Rufus beat on that.

“The exhibit goes all week.” Brenda rubs her thumb on her jeans transferring the dark charcoal dust. “We can check it out together tomorrow night. I still have a half a case of beer back at my place.”

I commend her for her commitment to try and ride my cock, but it’s never happening.

“I’m interested in someone else.” It’s the truth. I haven’t been able to look at another woman since I first saw Piper in my office weeks ago. The idea of fucking anyone else isn’t on my radar at this point. There’s only one woman I want.

“The brunette?” She questions. “I can be a brunette within the hour if that’s what you’re looking for.”

She’s a mousy blonde with too much determination. I can’t help but laugh at the offer. “As tempting as you are, Brenda, nothing is ever going to happen between us. As I said, I’m interested in just one woman.”

“Whoever it is she’s lucky.” Piper’s voice catches both Brenda and me off guard. Brenda turns to face her. I take a beat to erase the goofy grin off my face.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic