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I shove the business card at her. "I have the proof right here."

She reaches to take the card from me, but I hold tight to the corner of it. It's evidence. He left this behind. I found it on the carpeted floor of the hotel room next to one of my heeled sandals that I'd kicked off before I got into bed with the thieving bastard.

Griffin Kent. Attorney at Law. It's right there in black raised lettering on the card.

If that's not proof, I don't know what is.

"Did he give that to you?"

"He dropped it," I explain. "It must have fallen out of his pocket."


tongue skims over her front teeth. "What does Mr. Kent look like?"

I survey the office. There's no movement anywhere. I can hear muffled voices in the distance, but I haven't seen another soul since I walked through the doors to the reception area.

Since the hotel I was at is on Columbus and Eighty-first Street I walked here through Central Park. I spent the bulk of that time rehearsing what I was going to say to Kent once I saw him. I never expected to be subjected to a pre-confrontation interview by his receptionist.

"You know what he looks like," I bite back with a sigh. "I know that he spent the night with me and then robbed me blind."

"Humor me, dear." She squeezes my shoulder. "Describe Mr. Kent to me."

If it's going to take that to chase away the look of doubt that's plastered all over her expression, I'll give her what she wants. "He's the same height as me, blonde hair, full beard, really nice brown eyes."

"What the hell is going on here?" The low rumble of a deeply seductive voice asks from behind me.

"Mr. Kent." The woman next to me turns quickly. "This young woman is here looking for ... well, sir, I think I'll let her explain why she's here."

Mr. Kent? The voice I just heard isn't the same one that invited me up to that hotel room last night. I turn around.

Dark brown hair, blue eyes, full lips and a face so handsome that women must stop and stare when he passes them by. I know I would. I can't tear my gaze from him now.

"I'm Griffin Kent," he says smoothly as he nears me. "And you are?"

Chapter 2


My eyes widen when he offers me his hand. I don’t accept because I have no idea what the hell is going on. “You’re not Griffin Kent.”

His brows arch as he looks at the woman standing next to me before his gaze falls back on my face. “I am Griffin Kent. You’re standing in my office, so I’ll ask again, who are you?”

I suddenly feel very confused. If he’s Griffin Kent who the hell did I spend the night with? I look down at the business card in my hand. It must belong to the tall man standing in front of me in the expensive black suit. He’s what I would imagine when I think of an attorney in Manhattan, not the guy who I met last night. That guy was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a brown sweater.

“This young woman found your business card after she was robbed, Mr. Kent.” The woman next to me pokes me in the arm as if she needs to clarify which of the three of us she’s referring to. “Apparently, she was with a man at a hotel. He took her belongings and left behind your card.”

“What did he look like?”

I know the question is directed at me, but I wait for a beat to see if the woman who works for him will keep talking.

She doesn’t.

“He had blond hair, brown eyes and he was my height so about five nine.” I give my full attention to Griffin Kent now because maybe he knows who the man is. “He had a beard. Men with beards aren’t usually my type, but he seemed nice.”

Shut the hell up, Piper.

He looks me over from head-to-toe before he points at the business card in my hand. “Is there anything written on the back of that?”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic