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She taps her heel on the hardwood floor. “That makes sense.”

I point at a lamp on a table near where she’s standing. “Can you turn on the light? It’s getting dark.”

She hits the switch on the lamp and it instantly fills the room with a soft glow of light. “I have one more concern and then I swear I’ll shut up.”

I don’t look at her as I unpack a box with dishes. “What?”

“Your bed is right in front of that window. Aren’t you worried that your neighbors will watch you while you sleep?”

I picked this apartment because it’s a bachelor. My bed is feet away from my kitchen and the main living space. The only area that is separated by a door is the bathroom.

I’m not shy. I’ve slept here for the past four nights and I haven’t bothered to look out any of the windows to see if the people in the building next to mine are looking in.

“This is Manhattan.” I stop what I’m doing and look at the wall of windows. “People are too busy to stare in here.”

“What if you bring a guy home?”

“A guy?” I pause as I push my pink hair back behind my ears. “You’re worried that my neighbors are going to watch me fuck? Is that what you’re asking.”

She laughs. “It’s a possibility, no?”

“Not right now.” I give an exaggerated shrug. “I don’t have time to meet men. You can rest easy tonight knowing that my neighbors won’t be getting a free show.”

Her dark brown hair sways as she moves across the room to pick up her purse from the edge of my bed. It’s one of my latest designs. Sophia is my walking and talking billboard and so far, I’ve had a few customers seek me out because of her.

“I have to get home.” She shoulders the bag. “I need to make dinner. Do you want to come by for a bite?”

I look around the apartment. I have too much to do tonight. There’s no way I can spare the time it would take to get to her place, eat, visit and then trudge back here. “I’ll pass this time.”

“I’ll talk to you later in the week.” She moves to give me a warm hug. “Call me if you spot any peeping Toms.”

“Will do.” My reply is swift. “I’m not sure what you’ll do about it, but I’ll shoot you a text if I catch one.”


I arch my back in a stretch as I finally put away the last of my dishes. I don’t have many, but they’re enough to keep me eating at home.

I ate a bowl of cereal for dinner, taking a spoonful in between my work.

I’ve accomplished more tonight than I thought I would. I glance at my phone on the counter and realize that it’s nearing midnight.

Since I need to be at work by nine a.m., sleep has to be next on my schedule.

I cross the space toward the bed. It’s not the most comfortable I’ve ever slept in, but it’s large and right now it’s calling my name.

Just as I’m about to pull my pink T-shirt over my head and unbutton my jeans, I turn to the windows.

The building next door is close. It’s an apartment building as well with dozens of windows.

Many of the windows are shuttered with curtains and blinds; the hint of light playing around the edges. A few are backlit enough that I can make out what’s happening in the homes of my neighbors.

Television sets flicker, a woman dances past a window, and then my gaze settles on the apartment directly across from mine.

I know that the low light coming from the lamp in the corner makes me visible to the person standing with their back to me.

There’s a light in their apartment too. It’s not too bright, more of a gentle glow that casts just enough warmth that I can make out the shape of a man. He’s tall with broad shoulders.

When he turns, I lean closer to the window to get a better look.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic