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Her hand drops to the T-shirt that’s covering her flat stomach. “It is, Evan. You’ll see and once you do, we can work out the details of what works best for the baby because that’s the only thing that matters to me.”

It’s not the only thing that matters to me. She does too and I’m scared that I’ve fucked up the best thing that’s ever happened to me.


“You haven’t been your usual insulting self, Evan.” Jordan pats me on the back. “What’s up?”

I look over my shoulder at him. He’s been beaming ever since Kylie and him decided to go exclusive. There isn’t a soul who works in this hospital who saw that one coming. They are about as mismatched as two people can be, but obviously there’s something there. Kylie looked just as happy this morning when I saw her after my rounds.

“Your ear hair is longer than the hair around my dick.” I arch a brow. “Does that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?”

His hand leaps to his ear. “My barber usually takes care of that. I’ll have to ask Kylie to trim them tonight.”

I turn back to face the x-rays in front of me. “Sounds like a fun date. Maybe she can take on your toenails too.”

“How do you know about my toenails? My podiatrist said that cream he gave me would help.”

I huff out a laugh. “That’s both disgusting and fascinating.”

“Fascinating how?”

He moves so he’s standing next to me. Other doctors are milling about but we’ve all learned to mind our own business unless asked. It works well for us. You have to be as focused as you can be when you’re dealing with life and death cases on a daily basis.

“What does Kylie see in you beyond the obvious?” I circle my finger in front of his face.

He skims his hand over his cleanly-shaven chin. “I listen to her. I appreciate her. I make her feel special.”

I’m not buying it. “What else?”

He lowers his voice. “The sex is phenomenal.”

“Phenomenal?” I ask as I study the x-ray. “Your word or is that coming from Kylie?”

“I had a dry spell before I met her,” he admits. “There was a lot of pent up energy waiting to be released. Kylie was the beneficiary of that.”

I turn my attention to the tablet in my hands as I make notes on the x-ray and the treatment plan I’ll discuss with the patient this afternoon. “If you make each other happy, I’m all for it. I have to admit, I didn’t think it would progress into anything.”

“No one did.” He chuckles. “We’re an unlikely pair, but when there’s a connection that’s undeniable, you’ve got to go for it. That’s what I did and look at me now.”

I do. He looks relaxed and content. I can’t use either of those words to describe myself at the moment.

“Keep her happy.” I poke him in the shoulder. “Or I’ll come for you. I’m an expert with a scalpel. Don’t forget that.”

“That’s why I’m here.” He opens the cover on his tablet. “I need you to consult on a case. I’m on the fence on this one and I want you to push me over to one side.”

I take his tablet and run through the information on the patient’s chart. “Send this to me and I’ll have a closer look this afternoon.”

“You and I make a great team, Evan.” He gives me another pat on the back. “As much as I like, Kylie, you’re the best vascular surgeon we have.”

It’s a compliment I never thought I’d hear. It means a lot. “Thank you, Jordan, I appreciate that.”

“You didn’t let me finish.” He grins as he reaches to take his tablet back. “You’re the best vascular surgeon we have without ear hair. You’ll never be as good as me.”

“I’ll take second best over that ear hair any day of the week.” I grimace. “Seriously, man, get control of that before you trip over it.”

Chapter 33


Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic