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She looks to where my phone is peeking out of the top of my coat pocket. “How many Jane Smiths are listed in your contacts?”

Four; they’re referenced by hair color and eye color.

“The other night was a lot of fun,” Jane goes on before I can get a word in. “I’m not looking for anything serious right now, and you’re obviously a very busy man.”

I’m a fucking doctor who sold his soul for a lousy paycheck and the chance to save lives. It’s worth it for the most part, until you want more.

I want more now.

“What are you doing at noon today?” I pat my phone. “I don’t need your number, Jane. Meet me for an hour so we can get to know each other better. We’ll start with your real name.”

She tilts her head as her gaze narrows. “You want to meet me for an hour today? For lunch or something else? You didn’t say anything about food.”

I raise an eyebrow. I’m all for skipping food for a good fuck. I can’t read this woman so

I clarify because my cock is swelling and the sudden rush of blood to it is cutting off any chance I have for rational and clear thought. “Are you going to be hungry at noon, Jane?”

She shakes her head from side-to-side, her hazel eyes meeting mine. “I ate a big breakfast.”

Why the fuck is that turning me on?

I throw caution to the wind because I want this woman. Fuck do I want her. “There’s a Bishop Hotel on the corner. We can meet there if you think that’ll work for you.”

“That works for me,” she says as she shifts her briefcase from one hand to the other. “I’ll meet you in the lobby at noon, Evan.”

I have to wait for three-and-a-half hours to touch her. This is going to be the longest morning of my life.

Chapter 10


Since when do I agree to meet men for nooners? I think that’s the appropriate term to use when you arrange an hour-long meeting in a hotel in the middle of the day.

I have no idea what came over me back at the café when I saw Evan. My first response was disbelief. That was washed away almost immediately with a wave of excitement.

When he proposed the idea that we meet at noon, I assumed it was for sex. My desire to be with him again is to blame for that. I don’t know if he was planning on talking over a club sandwich or not. It doesn’t matter at this point.

I’m meeting him in an hour so we can fuck.

“You’re drifting in daydream land, boss,” my assistant, Gabriella, walks into my office. “I have to admit I’m right up there on cloud nine with you. Closing the Peterson file early calls for a drink. We should go out for lunch to celebrate.”

Closing the Peterson file early was a relief for both Gabriella and me. I fought hard against the construction company that had unceremoniously fired Carl Peterson from a job that he held for more than thirty years. Their reasoning was thin and my case was strong.

I secured a substantial severance package for him that included the pension he’d been paying into for most of his adult life.

“I have lunch plans.” I try to keep a straight face since Gabi and I are more friends than boss and employee.

She looks me over, her brown eyes pinned to my mouth. “You’re holding back a grin. What are you doing for lunch? Is it business or pleasure?”

“You won’t believe me if I tell you.” I tip my chin up. She takes that as an invitation to sit in one of the chairs facing my desk.

She crosses her long legs. “You have to tell me now, Chloe. Where the hell are you going at noon?”

Visually, Gabi is the complete opposite of me. She’s tall with dark hair and an olive complexion. She’s also the ideal assistant since she has the ability to calm down every potential client who comes through the door.

Most people who seek out my services are trying to wage a battle against their current or former employer. They’re typically angry and hell-bent on revenge. Gabi reassures them so that I can talk reason into them.

“I met a man at Leanna’s wedding.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Just This Once Erotic