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It won’t work with me.

I spoke to Troy Alcester right before I left my office.

I assured him that I’d do everything in my power to get the divorce finalized as quickly as possible.

His concern isn’t for himself. Troy wants his two daughters to have balance again. They’ve been stuck in the push and pull between their parents for months.

I walk toward the reception desk in the lavish office that Dylan shares with his partner Griffin Kent.

I did my due diligence once I realized that Dylan was my opposing counsel.

He set up this practice right out of law school with Griffin.

The reception area is decorated beautifully. It’s an elegant space. Kurt’s offices aren’t as lavish, but he hasn’t updated the flooring or the paint on the walls in the last decade.

“Can I help you?” A blond haired man wearing a black suit pops up from around a corner.

I glance over at the empty reception desk. “I’m here to see Dylan Colt.”

The man rushes toward me, his gaze on the phone in his hand. “I’m Gunner. I’m Mr. Colt’s assistant. He doesn’t have a meeting scheduled for the next two hours.”

Of course, he doesn’t. It’s noon.

He must be off somewhere enjoying a long, leisurely lunch.

“I’ll set you up an appointment for next week. Or if you prefer I can tell him that you stopped by.” Gunner stands directly in front of me. “If you give me your name and number, one of us will be in touch.”

Dylan’s assistant runs interference like his life depends on it.

“My name is Eden Conrad.”

His gaze drops to my wrist and the watch I always wear. Something has shifted in his expression when he locks eyes with me again. “Come with me, Ms. Conrad.”

I don’t question where we’re going. I follow Gunner down a long corridor. A few people come in and out of offices as we pass. All of them smile at me and offer quiet, “hellos.”

Dylan’s staff is polite and well dressed.

I’m impressed by what he’s built here.

Gunner slows as we approach the closed door of an office at the end of the corridor.

He knocks softly before he swings the door open.

“Jesus Christ, Gunner,” Dylan’s voice booms through the corridor. “You’re supposed to wait for me to tell you to come in. Get lost.”

I can’t help but laugh.

“Hold on,” Dylan’s voice is louder. “I know that laugh.”

Gunner takes a step back as his boss appears in the doorway of his office dressed in a light gray suit and blue tie.

“Look at what we have here.” He rakes me over. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”


“You look beautiful today, Eden.” Dylan flashes me a grin as he takes a seat on a brown leather couch in his office.

He sent Gunner on his way before he closed and locked the door to his office.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Second Chances Romance