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“Here?” she parrots back with a giggle. “There’s no music.”

I start to sway us back and forth. “Since when do you need music to dance?”

Her arms curl around my neck. “Good point.”

I twirl her in a circle, luring a breathy moan from her lips.

“I know a place we can dance,” I offer. “I think you’ll like it.”

“Is it your apartment?” Her eyes narrow. “Does it involve taking off our clothes?”

“There’s an idea I can get behind.” My hand glides down to tap the top of her ass. “Or a behind I want to get behind.”

“Dylan.” My name slips from her lips in a purr. “There is plenty of time for that later.”

“We have all night.” I slide my lips over hers, savoring the sweet taste of her. “Tonight, you won’t run and hide when I fall asleep.”

“I’m not making any promises.”

I lean in again, brushing my lips over her ear. “I’ll tie you to the bed if I have to.”

Her breath stutters for a second before she moves back to look into my eyes. “Take me dancing first.”

I’ll give her anything she wants. “Follow me.”

Her hand slips into mine, and we start down the street toward an experience I know she’ll never forget.


We exit the Uber just off Columbus Avenue on the Upper West Side.

Eden’s gaze volleys from left to right. I know that she’s trying to figure out where the hell I’m taking her.

“This way,” I say, reaching for her hand.

I guide her down the street of businesses shuttered for the night. A few remain open luring patrons in with signs promising the best cup of coffee in the city, or cocktails for half price.

Once we reach our destination, I turn to face her.

Questions are dancing in her eyes. She trusts me. At least, I hope to fuck she does.

“I had a feeling you’d want to dance tonight, so I made some arrangements.” I lean down to kiss her cheek. “We’ll dance as many dances as you want. We can stay as late as you like, but once we leave, we’re going back to my place.”

Her gaze jumps to the non-descript dark green door behind me. It’s tucked between a shoe store and a flower shop. Both have closed signs hanging in their windows.

The green door leads down a flight of stairs to a spot that I discovered a year ago when I was asked by the owner to meet him here to talk about his crumbling marriage.

A month later, he opted for counseling instead of divorce. I didn’t charge him a dime for the three consultations we had. In exchange, he gave me his word that he’d return the favor whenever I needed it.

I needed it tonight, so I gave him a call earlier.

“Agreed.” Eden sighs. “Where exactly are we going?”

I rap on the door three times with my fist before I lock eyes with her. “You’re about to find out.”

Chapter 25


Tags: Deborah Bladon Second Chances Romance