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“There are things I need to say… want to say about Eden.” He ignores the string of chimes coming from his phone. “I can tell that you’re not ready to talk about it. I get it. If or when you are, I’ll hop back on a plane.”

“I need to figure some things out.”

“It’s not my place to say this, but you know I don’t give a shit about my place. You need to hear this one thing.”

I laugh. “Say what you need to say.”

“You can’t change the past, so stop looking back.”

“I fucked up her life.” I squint at him. “She’s got to be pissed about that.”

“She didn’t look at you like she’s pissed.” He glances at his ringing phone before he sets his gaze back on me. “I didn’t see any of that in her expression.”

“You figured all of that out after seeing her for less than a minute?”

He holds up a hand in surrender. “I’m not an expert on all things Eden Conrad, but I like to believe I have some insight when it comes to women. She wouldn’t have gotten into bed with you if she were holding a grudge or if she hated you.”

“Hate sex is a thing.”

His lips curve into a grin. “That I’m an expert on.”

I laugh aloud.

“Look.” He taps his palm on the edge of the table. “You have no idea what the past fifteen years of Eden’s life look like. You let her down one night of her life. It’s time to stop beating yourself up over it, because it sure as hell seems like she’s doing just fine.”

He means well, but even though Barrett is my oldest and closest friend, I’ve never told him every detail about the night of our graduation party. He has no clue that I made a decision that night that has impacted Eden’s life to this day.

Only one other person on this earth knows what the fuck I did that night.

Clark Dodson, Eden’s first boyfriend and the guy she wanted to marry, knows my dirty little secret.


I exit the café, my hand hovering over the screen of my smartphone. My contact list is open, and it would take only one touch for me to call Tony Girano.

Tony’s the private investigator I keep on retainer. I run the man ragged, but he’s not complaining.

The apartment he purchased in Murray Hill two years ago was financed primarily by the monthly checks I place in his hand. In exchange, he brings me concrete proof that the soon-to-be exes of my clients haven’t lived up to their vows to love, honor, and cherish. Remaining faithful is something too many people struggle with much to my benefit.

I’ve been entertaining the idea of using Tony to bring me up to speed on where the hell Clark Dodson is and whether he’s a factor in Eden’s life.

I’ve resisted the urge until now because I didn’t want confirmation that he was living the dream with Eden and a couple of kids who looked like her by his side.

Eden made it clear to me on the last night of high school that Clark was her future.

I pocket my phone, praying with everything I am that he’s part of her past and that my secret remains there too.

Chapter 12


Well, damn.

I thought when the clock struck six and my workday ended that I’d avoided Dylan Colt’s questions for the day.

Maybe it was naïve of me to believe that he wanted to focus on the case at hand since he had a courier drop off my watch earlier.

It was polished and tucked inside a rectangular white gift box.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Second Chances Romance