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That face.

Once I realized I was looking at the girl I knew from high school, I saw pieces of her in the woman I fucked last night.

It’s there in the mesmerizing blueness of her eyes, and the way she tilts her chin and those lips. Those beautiful full lips that have always tempted me.

Lips that I finally kissed last night.

I close my eyes against the assault of emotions.

I fucked Eden Conrad and didn’t even know it.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I watch as the elevator doors open and a group of people rushes on.

I should be one of them. Typically, I’d be halfway back to my office by now with a plan to fill the unexpected free time I have today with billable appointments.

I reach into my pocket to fish out the phone, but my fingers land on something else.

I smooth my thumb over the face of the watch that she left at my apartment. I yank it out and stare down at it.

I have no idea what the hell is going on, but there’s only one person who can tell me.

It’s time to return this watch to its rightful owner.

Chapter 6


I’ve been in New York City less than seventy-two hours, and I’ve already tipped my life upside down.

I knocked Dylan Colt’s life sideways.

That wasn’t planned.

None of this was planned.

My mission was simple. I came to Manhattan to help Kurt. He called me asking if I would be willing to spend a few weeks in the city taking over one of his most important cases.

Kurt Sufford has always been like an uncle to me. Three years ago, he gave me a job in the Buffalo office of Sufford, Lake & Chisholm.

This is the first time he’s requested I come to Manhattan to help him with a case.


I glance over my shoulder to find Noelle Sufford standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

Technically, it’s her second bedroom. Noelle is letting me crash in her spare room while I work on her dad’s case.

I may be three years younger than her, but she’s one of my closest friends.

A frown settles over her lips. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Dr. Sufford,” I shoot back with a smile.

I was there when Noelle graduated from medical school. At just thirty-five years old, she’s working toward her goal of setting up her own practice one day.

Noelle’s brother, Marcus, is one of the most respected pediatricians in Manhattan. Noelle didn’t follow in his footsteps. Plastic surgery is her passion.

“I didn’t expect you to be here.” She tucks a piece of her red hair behind her ear. “Dad said you two had a court date today.”

Tags: Deborah Bladon Second Chances Romance