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“I don’t want to miss my flight.” Noelle glides a hand over my forehead. “If you need anything, you’ll call me?”

I glance over to where Dylan is standing. “I have everything I’ll ever need.”


I kick off my boots, sending one flying onto a leather chair in the corner.

“Your aim is remarkable.” Dylan laughs. “What can I do for you?”

I move to stand next to the window. My condo doesn’t offer a view of anything other than the parking lot.

I stare out at the blue sky beyond.

I sense Dylan behind me before his hand brushes over my bare shoulder. I’m wearing an oversized blue sweater and a pair of leggings. Noelle chose them for ease and comfort.

“Can I get you some water or maybe something to eat?” He nestles his chin against the top of my head. “A full body massage perhaps?”

I rest my back against his broad chest. “Do you know?”

I feel the nod of his head before he says anything. “I know that I can’t live without you.”

I turn to face him. It’s there in the way he’s been looking at me and in the kiss of his lips last night and this morning.

I repeat the words back because I’ve never spoken anything that feels so right. “I can’t live without you.”

His fingers rest on my chin. Tilting my head up so our eyes meet, he smiles. “I love you, Eden.”

It feels as though I’ve been waiting my entire life for those four words to leave his lips. “I love you too.”

He presses his mouth to mine.

“I need to tell you things.” I look over at two cardboard boxes near the front door. “I have a lot to tell you.”

His gaze settles on my lips. “Dr. Yelena made it clear that you need to rest. Let’s do that together. You can close your eyes for an hour, two tops. Once you’ve done that, we can talk.”

I do feel dizzy, and the doctor was adamant that I need rest.

“You’ll wake me after an hour?” I ask.

“We can negotiate that,” he says with a chuckle. “With the understanding that all agreed to terms will be set back until a date when you’re up for the action.”

“I want to make love,” I say it because I need him to know.

I’m in pain. I’m still reeling from the past twenty-four hours, but I’ve never wanted him more.

“We have all the time in the world for that.” He kisses my forehead. “Let’s get you into bed. Sleep now. Talk later.”

I don’t argue as he leads me down the hallway to my bedroom.

I’m going to fall asleep in my bed wrapped in Dylan’s arms. Another of my dreams is about to come true.

Chapter 49


I shoot off a text to Barrett to let him know that Eden is on the mend.

He offered to make the trip here to lend a hand, but I assured him that I had everything covered.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Second Chances Romance