Page 87 of Ruin (Ruin 1)

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“Video me?” I repeated, dread and fear mixed in my voice. “Video what exactly?”

Gabe just kept grinning.

About thirty minutes later we were pulling up to an old Bridge North of Seattle.

“Time to shine!” Gabe clapped his hands and nodded his head. “This is going to be epic.”

“I have a bad feeling.”

“No punking out. You’re doing this for Wes.” Gabe pointed at me and then stalked over to the bridge where a few people were setting some sort of contraption up.

Oh no. Oh no, no, no.

“Kiersten,” Gabe said. “Meet the crew from Seattle Bungee. They’re going to be the ones making sure all the safety stuff in is order so you don’t go splat.”

“How reassuring,” I mumbled dryly.

“No worries!” A guy who appeared even younger than me laughed and slapped me on the back. “We do this all time. It’s our job. Haven’t lost one yet, though one chick did puke. But hey, as long as you face down, you’ll be fine.”

Palms sweating, I gave him a jerky nod.

Harnesses were passed out, along with helmets and carabineers. Oh, my gosh! Was I really going to do this? Shaking, I let the crew fasten my harness and then they connected me to Gabe. I was trembling so much that my lips were quivering. I hated heights. I was terrified of them almost as much as water. Why the hell had I written this on my stupid list? I closed my eyes, refusing to look over the edge.

“Look at me,” Gabe commanded.

I opened my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me.

“Wes wanted me to tell you something.” Gabes eyes welled with tears. “He said that no matter what obstacle you face…” His voice shook. “No matter how afraid you are — you can still make the choice to fight. You can still make the choice to walk through the fire — he said to do it afraid.”

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak as my throat was so thick with emotion it was hard to breathe.

“He said he’s not giving up — and neither should you.”

“I won’t,” I vowed. “I won’t give up.”

“That’s my girl.” Gabe kissed my cheek. Funny, how one guy had ended up being my soul mate, while the other ended up being my best friend in the whole world.

“One…” Gabe whispered “Two…”

I clutched his body so tight I couldn’t breathe.


We fell over the side of the bridge, weightless. Completely weightless. I wasn’t even sure I was screaming, my mouth was open and then the bungee bounced. It held us, and we fell again.

Then the funniest thing happen.

I started laughing.

Then crying.

Then laughing again.

I’d done it afraid. I’d conquered my fear, and all because Wes believed in me enough to push me — just like I was going to push him. He didn’t want me to go into that dark place — never again. And I wasn’t going to let him either.

“Thank you,” I whispered into Gabe’s ear as we were jerked back up by the crew.

Gabe held my face between his hands. “What you two have — it’s a once in a lifetime — you fight for him, sweetheart. Fight for him with every last breath. No regrets, okay?”

Tags: Rachel Van Dyken Ruin Romance