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“Look at me.” He stroked her cheek until Lilli looked up into his eyes.

“Yes?” she asked in a trembling voice.

“You’re perfect, just the way you are,” Karn told her. “Don’t let anyone tell you different, Lilli.”

Lilli smiled and sniffed again.

“How do you always know just the right thing to say?”

He gave her his crooked smile that showed one fang and shrugged.

“Dunno. Just an instinct I guess.”

“Well, well—hello, Lilliana.”

They jerked apart and Lilli looked up to see Priss striding confidently across the invisible entryway with a new, muscular bodyslave in tow on a long black leather leash behind her.

“This is my new bodyslave, Randor,” she said, yanking on the leash to make the male come closer. The leash was attached to a choke collar and the male gasped and stumbled forward. His lips turned blue for a moment before Priss let up on the pressure and he was able to stand upright again. He nodded stiffly at Lilli and said,

“Hello, Mistress,” in a choked voice.

“There—isn’t he impressive?” Priss demanded. “So much better than that other bodyslave you stole from me!”

“He’s most impressive,” Lilli agreed, to keep the peace. It was clear to her that the other girl had gone out and gotten the biggest bodyslave she could—possibly to compete with Karn. But though Randor was tall and broad through the shoulders, the big Kindred still had half a head in height over him and his shoulders were obviously wider. And there was no doubt whose shaft was bigger—Karn had him beat in that category as well.

Priss must have realized this too because as her eyes flicked over the two males standing side-by-side, her lips thinned down to a white line and her sharp blue eyes narrowed.

“So, how have you been, Lilliana?” she asked. “You seem to be getting awfully cozy with that Kindred bodyslave of yours.”

Lilli tried to keep her face blank, though she couldn’t help the guilty twitch of her mouth as she answered.

“I got dizzy on the plastiglass entryway and nearly fell. Karn caught me.”

“Oh, well isn’t that just sweet.” Priss sneered at her. “And here I thought the carnal cravings from the quick-grow injections were getting to you.”

“Carnal cravings?” Lilli frowned at her.

“You know? The awful tingling? The need to be pleasured?” Priss grinned at her nastily. “We’ve all had the cravings, Lilliana. Just be sure you use a toy to satisfy them and not your bodyslave’s shaft. Remember that allowing yourself to be penetrated by a male is the worst, lowest thing you could possibly do. Not to mention it’s completely against the law.”

Lilli felt her face flame with sudden heat.

“Oh, I didn’t—” she began but Priss was already breezing past her, dragging her new bodyslave along behind her.

“Just be careful getting too cozy with that big Kindred,” she remarked as she went. “It really doesn’t look good and you wouldn’t want people to talk.”

Then she was up at the podium and Lilli heard her say to the male servant standing there, “I don’t care if I’m a junior Mistress—you’ll announce me now or you’ll be out on the street within the hour!”

“Well, I guess now we know for sure that the stuff they injected you with is what’s causing your problems,” Karn murmured in Lilli’s ear. “Is the tingling really bad, baby?”

“It’s terrible,” she admitted, pressing her thighs together desperately. “It’s been driving me crazy for hours.”

Karn frowned.

“And nothing helps it?”

Lilli nibbled her lower lip. Should she tell him? Probably not, but she didn’t want to hide her problems from the big Kindred anymore.

“It stopped for a minute back when you…when you kissed me. Kissed my panties, I mean,” she admitted. “And before that when you…when I had your cream in me. But nothing else seems to help.”

Karn nodded.

“Okay, well I can’t exactly come on your little pussy right now but there is one thing I can do to help you.”

“What’s that?” Lilli asked. Just at that moment, the servant at the door called,

“Miss Lilliana, daughter of Mistress Mirabella? Are you here to be announced?”

“You’ll see.” Karn gave her that crooked grin and took her hand to lead her towards the entrance. “Come on, little Mistress—it’s your turn.”


Lilli went stiff with stage fright as she and Karn made their way up onto the announcing platform. It wasn’t very big but it overlooked the grand, mother-of-pearl ballroom, filled with all the richest and most influential Mistresses in all of Opulex. She had always hated being the center of attention, and this was way worse than being in one of the morality plays the Sisters had helped the girls at the convent put on for the benefit of their classmates.

Lilli had only been in one of those plays—she’d been a supporting character with only one line. But when it had come time to speak her piece, she’d stumbled and bumbled and forgotten every word. In the end, she’d nearly fainted from mortification and misery.

Tags: Evangeline Anderson Science Fiction