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“Don’t let her make you.” Karn cupped her right breast gently in his big hand and looked Lilli seriously in the eyes. “You’re beautiful, Lilli, just the way you are. Don’t let anyone tell you different or make you change.”

“Well…thank you.” Her voice came out sounding rather breathless, she thought. Maybe because the big Kindred was brushing the ripe bud of her nipple gently with his thumb, circling it round and round which sent strange, pleasurable sensations throughout her entire body. “What…what are you doing?” she asked, nodding down to where he was touching her.

“Just getting your nipple hard enough so I can put the ring on it,” Karn murmured. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

“No.” Lilli shook her head. “In fact it feels…feels good,” she admitted. “It makes me think of…” She trailed off. “Never mind.”

“Makes you think of what?” Karn urged. He tugged lightly at her ripening bud, making Lilli gasp. “Remember, little Mistress, I want to know your thoughts,” he reminded her.

“Well, it…it makes me think of that porn vid I saw at the convent again,” Lilli confessed, feeling her cheeks get hot.

“Why?” His mismatched eyes were half-lidded as he spoke. “Did the male play with the female’s nipples in the vid?”

“They…he…he sucked them,” Lilli said, feeling naughty and hot all over as she spoke. “Sucked them deep in his mouth while she moaned and…and begged him to suck some more.”

“Mmmm…” Karn gave her a lazy smile. “Well, sucking your nipples would be one way of making them hard enough to put the nipple drops on.”

“Oh, I…I never meant you had to…that I expected you to—” Lilli began.

“But what if I want to, Mistress?” Karn growled softly. Ducking his head, he captured her left nipple between his lips and sucked it deep into his hot, wet mouth.

“Ohhh,” Lilli moaned as he traced her sensitive bud with the tip of his tongue. He lapped gently at first and then sucked hard, sending sparks of pleasure straight from her sensitive tips to the place between her thighs. At the same time, he kept tugging gently at her other nipple, continuing the pleasurable sensations there as well.

Lilli found she was writhing on the countertop and thrusting out her chest, giving him better access to her bare breasts. She couldn’t help it—it was like someone else had control of her body and was making her react to the big Kindred’s touch.

“Oh…oh, Karn,” she gasped. “I…I’m not sure we ought…ought to be doing this.”

Finally he released her tight bud with a last, sucking kiss.

“But Mistress,” he said reasonably, as he fastened the diamond nipple-drop to the stem of her peak. “I’m only doing what I have to in order to get you ready. Isn’t that what a bodyslave does? Helps his Mistress?”

“I…I suppose so.” Lilli watched helplessly as he sucked the other nipple as well. Once more she found she was thrusting out her chest and also, her hands had somehow found their way to his head and her fingers were carding through his thick hair. “Oh, Karn,” she moaned as he nipped her very lightly and then lapped at the sensitive tip as though to soothe the small ache he had caused. “That feels so…so good.”

He released this nipple as well, with another soft kiss.

“That’s as it should be, little Mistress,” he murmured as he began fastening the second nipple drop in place. “A bodyslave must give his Mistress pleasure, right?”

“I…I guess so.” Lilli felt rather dazed. She was throbbing all over in places she’d never throbbed before and her nipples felt so sensitive now, especially with the heavy diamond drops hanging from them. They were dark red from being sucked too—a fact she hoped her green top would hide. What would everyone say if they knew she’d been letting her bodyslave suck her nipples in private?

Of course, it was a time-honored tradition to allow a bodyslave to suck one’s nipples in public. Many Mistresses put two different powders on their nipples—one red hot and the other icy cold. They forced their bodyslaves to suck the powders off as a form of punishment—Lilli had seen it done. But she didn’t think it was proper to do it in private and without the punishment powders.

Still, Karn had done it and there was no taking it back now. She just wished it hadn’t made her feel so very wet and hot between her legs, especially when they were about to go out in view of all her Mother’s friends and their daughters.

There was no help for it now, though—Lilli told herself she would think about it later. For now she just had to get through the banquet tonight without any major problems.

“Well,” she said shakily. “I…I guess we’d better get going. The banquet’s about to begin.”

“Indeed it is, little Mistress.” Karn nodded at her. “And I’ll be by your side every step of the way.”

Tags: Evangeline Anderson Science Fiction