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“She’s a piece of work, all right,” Jodi said grimly. “But you know that you and I both testified that Sykes was attacking you and that he’d done it before and Liosh told them the same thing once he, er, calmed down.” She cleared her throat, obviously trying not to think of the big Kindred all covered in Jason’s blood. “So it’s three against one.”

“But Amanda is so good at lying and making everyone believe it!” Melli exclaimed. “It was like that in high school too—the minute she started a rumor everybody took it as the gospel truth. She already had half the policemen convinced before we even made a statement!”

“You have to try and relax,” Jodi told her firmly. “Vorn is calling that lawyer from the Mother Ship—the one who helped get the law passed that Kindred couldn’t be sued or prosecuted for protecting their females in the first place. She’s going to come down here and get Liosh set free—you’ll see.”

“I hope so.” Melli shook her head, her eyes still blurred with tears.

Everything had happened so fast and no matter what Jodi said, she was sure it was her fault. She never should have believed Amanda’s fake tale of woe about wanting to make amends. And she certainly never should have followed her off into a dark part of the campus. But how could she have possibly known that the other girl would have such a horrible surprise in store? Who could have guessed that Amanda had been behind the attack that had happened in high school the whole time?

Not that Jason wasn’t also to blame—he was a horrible person. Well, had been a horrible person, Melli amended to herself. There was no way he had survived what Liosh had done to him. From what she had seen when the police dragged the big Kindred off him—and it had taken seven of them to do it—Jason was officially gonesville.

Of course he deserved it, but the killing had been savage. Melli was still having a hard time wrapping her mind around the idea that the gentle, tender Liosh, who was always so careful not to hurt her in any way, had turned into a brutal killing machine and ripped another man’s throat out with his teeth. Well, technically with his fangs, but still…

But Vorn had explained, at the police station, that Liosh had gone into Rage—a state of berserker fury that came over Kindred warriors when they saw their females being threatened. According to Vorn, something would have been wrong if Liosh didn’t go into Rage when he saw Melli being attacked—it was just another proof that he loved her and intended to take her for his bride.

Melli was glad the Beast Kindred had explained everything to her but it didn’t seem to matter how many times he explained to the police, they just weren’t listening.

“Let’s hope the lawyer from the Mother Ship will help,” she said dully. But what if she couldn’t? What if the police still refused to listen and Liosh was sent away for life? What if—

A crash in the kitchen swept the gloomy thoughts out of her mind. She jerked her head up and so did Jodi. The two sisters exchanged glances and Melli couldn’t help remembering what had happened the last time they’d been together and heard a strange noise in the other room. They had been at her mom’s house for a family movie night. And then—

Another crash sounded, interrupting her thoughts.

“What do you suppose that is?” James asked, frowning.

He was the only one in the room who wasn’t crying. In fact, he had a cool look of disinterest on his face, as though whatever was happening in the kitchen was much more entertaining than sitting here watching Melli cry while Jodi comforted her.

“Do you think a raccoon or something somehow got it?” he said to Jodi, as he went towards the kitchen.

“James, don’t!” Melli and Jodi exclaimed at the same time, but he was already pushing open the door that led to the small kitchen and dining nook.

The minute he opened it, a scaly green hand with seven fingers shot out and grabbed his wrist. Melli screamed and Jodi jumped to her feet.

“Fight it, James—we have to get out of here!” she shouted.

But James was standing there like a idiot, staring at the hand around his wrist like he didn’t understand.

And of course, by that time it was too late. The lizard-like Varians came pouring into the living area, holding those deadly little weapons that looked like ballpoint pens but which could cut a hole the size of a trashcan lid in anything, as Melli remembered with a shiver.

She and Jodi gripped each other, fright filling them.

Oh my God, Melli thought. But they’re gone—aren’t they all supposed to be gone? How did they get through the new security net? Or have they been here all along, just waiting for Jodi and me to be without our Kindred protectors?

Tags: Evangeline Anderson Science Fiction